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Doom Gifts
Lagavulin 16, Ardbeg Airrigh dam Beist, Caol Ila 1979 (McKillop's Choice) Laphroaig Quarter Cask*. All peat, all the time, bay-BEE! Islay ROCKS!! Peet's card (yay!) Starbucks card (boo!)(regifted) a couple bottles of red wine, boxer-briefs, The Definitive Dilbert Collection (that is one heavy book) lotsa candy, some moolah, a logo'd polo shirt. This haul was mostly from the fencers and the fencing parents.

*HK will remember it.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Nikon Coolpix P80, TSA-approved laptop case, lighted magnifying mirror (I can do my own eyebrows without my glasses on, yay!) roll-up keyboard (nifty toy and it works!) wireless keyboard (unfortunately doesn't work, only like to display the letter "a" - although who knows, perhaps it knows something I don't about more efficient communication), socks, and a Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog DVD. The commentary on the DVD is also a musical. And it has a wonderful track that DM would love, about stereotyping of Asians in tv/film.

Of course, G's not back from his parents and he might have some stuff from them. Can't wait to see what his mother got me. His aunt Ida sent me a little tchotchke vase with a music chip in it. Not sure what to do with that. Maybe I should bite it. That's what Cuchulain does with noisy things.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Maestro Yeti is set up to amass the best collection of gifted whiskey ever. Keep working it!

TQ has the inclination to bite noisy things. Shoot, if I knew that a few days ago, the glynch would've gotten musical boxers as a DOOMgift...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Actually, it's Cuchulain who likes to bite noisy things. I'm sure it would still have the desired humorous effect you intended, Drunk Monk.

Favorite Question asked by mother over the weekend:" Are you going to take your Christmas gifts home with you?"

I'm still thinking of the Lynch Funhouse Coffee table book.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
You could call it Lynch Manor. It could be very arty, gothic/absurdist, Americana photography - tons of still portraits of oddly juxtaposed items - think of the color/texture palette you'd have...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Maybe it needs it's own thread?

I'm thinking of all the sympathy and free therapy it might engender?
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
...I'll take it to a show and talk someone off acid with it. I'm up for that challenge. :tonqe:
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Acid? Why would you need Acid? Have you seen the house? It has an Elvis plate on the wall with the "TCB" logo in rhinestones. That house is the reason I don't need drugs to trip. ( Do they still trip or am I dating myself?)

I did put up ten more plates while I was there. Seven of which were part of a set given to my parents by my Aunt Ida. Obviously, she hasn't been to the house in a while to think we needed more stuff for the walls.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
...imagine getting so high at a show that you get taken to medical and to calm you down, I hand you a copy of Lynch Manor. I've talked people down in full devil makeup. I like challenges like that sometimes.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I'm thinking it would just spin them further down the rabbit hole and you'd never see them again.

There is the collection of celtic fairy tale prints in my old bedroom complete with naked water sprite.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
Drunk Monk Wrote:TQ has the inclination to bite noisy things. Shoot, if I knew that a few days ago, the glynch would've gotten musical boxers as a DOOMgift...

I couldn't find a clip online anywhere, but all I can think of is this SNL commercial:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Quote:Grimaldi's Classic Creations

Mom.....Nancy Walls
Dad.....Mark McKinney

(Opening shot of a family room beautifully decked in holiday decor. "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" plays throughout the sketch)

Narrator: Christmas. The time for giving and family. And the time when we remember the birth of our Savior. Now those memories come to life, with a Grimaldi's Classics handcrafted Nativity Scene.

(Mom and Dad gleefully unwrap the set. Mom smiles with delight at the beautiful Baby Jesus figurine.)

Narrator: Now for the first time, you can actually hear the cries of the Christ Child, as He enters into the world. A hidden microchip replicate the Holy Sounds of the Baby Jesus...

(Dad sets the figurine in the center of the Nativity Scene, and the Holy Sounds begin. The sounds that eminate, however, are not the sweet, precious cooing of a newborn infant, but rather a loud, ugly, repetitive brayingSmile


(Mom and Dad each manage faint, slightly confused smiles. Cut to the son's room, as he is awakened from a sound sleep).

Son: Mommy...what's that sound?

Mom: Why, it's Jesus!


(The sounds disturb the family dog, who sits and stares quizzically at the figurine before adding to the racket with several sharp barks. Cut to Christmas morning, as the family try in vain to ignore the relentless Holy Sounds as it continues to burn itself into thier collective brains..)

Narrator: Your holidays will be even more meaningful with the Son of God filling your house with His majestic innocence (cut to various family members weakly opening their gifts, staring blankly into the void as they continue to be tortured by the Majestic Innocence and fight the urge to find that "hidden microchip"). It's a gentle and pleasant reminder that God is *always* with us!

(later that day, as the family pick at thier Christmas feast)


Narrator: These Joyous Cries will play throughout the holiday season, both day and night! (AAAAOOOOWWWW!!!!.... AAAAOOOOWWWWW!!!!... AAAAOOOOWWWW!!!!.... AAAAOOOOWWWW!!!!) These Magical Sounds will be heard continuously from Christmas Day until 3 King's Day on January 6th. So celebrate the true meaning of Christmas this season (AAAAOOOOWWWW!!!!... AAAAOOOOWWWW!!!.... AAAAOOOOWWWW!!!), with a Grimaldi's Classic Creation. Available at Lord and Taylor, and other fine stores.

That sounds awesome! Nekked water sprites rock. You so gotta shoot this.

Down the rabbit hole indeed. Or through the looking glass. Sure, the book might implode a mind on acid. It might open a doorway. Either way, I'm open to trying to work with it. You have no idea of some the the stuff I've worked with for talkdown toys. Shoot, I wish I shot a book of those...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Um, Dm? Did you notice the glowing green logo above tg's avatar that says Online? That might be the clue he is still here. Plus, the post he just left is another clue.

We have two end tables in front of the two book cases. On one is a casting of King Arthur and his knights around the round table.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
And I posted the Book Thread. Let's take this conversation up there -
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
It's a full on Forum Battle!!!!!

I've switched.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit

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