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2023 Tiger Claw Elite Championships - May 6-7 - San Jose
50% chance of rain in San Jo on Saturday now...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
And now my phone is blowing up with frantic calls from Tiger Claw, emails & direct messages from volunteers and competitors, and general TCEC MAY-hem.

Stacy was commenting that I seemed unusually calm for 2 days out from TCEC. It's because I'm not in the office. They're trying to bring the office to me, but that won't work. I did offer to stop by this morning before I came home, but I placed that offer at the end of an email knowing that no one there reads emails all the way so if it comes up, I can still say 'I offered to come' and show them the email. 

I feel like Mifune's ronin character in Yojimbo, just waiting for the better opportunity. But I'll likely get caught and beat up next...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Finally cleared my YMAA tasks for the day (of course they gave me a last minute one which took up my afternoon). Spoke to Jonny for some last minute details. I could hear the chaos in the background. Glad to be working remotely. 

Now I’m getting Darth washed and vacuumed because I’ll be chauffeuring some masters - well, my dear friend Master Grace at least. 

Once more into the breach…
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Locked & loaded. Now for a few hours sleep, perchance to dream.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Friday went well. The Shaolin Monks were great helpers and put on an excellent show. It was a crash shuffle to get the masters I was chauffeuring (Grace, Chris & Violet) to the banquet and the show but it all worked out. The show was sro. And there was a lot more traditional than usual - good stuff. Then wound up talking to Grace until now - I missed our chats. Now I really must sleep.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Been half awake since 4:30. I was hoping to sleep until 6 but I did get one solid cycle. There’s breakfast in Rm 401’starting around 6:30. Supposed to be at the venue at 7 and events are scheduled until 10pm. Way too much packed into this Saturday. TC overdid it. I might as well get up and get started at this point…

Yesterday was only 5.2 miles. Feels more like 10…
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
But wait! There’s more. Whole lotta Kung Fu going down. 

I’m so tired. My brain is fuzz. Blurry fuzz. My throat is raw form all the talkin but the Shaolin monks gave me some special salve. Special Shaolin salve

How I’ve missed this.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
After party went until 1:30 am

Did the 24 taiji with the lam kwoon crew.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
So done. Dog park bound
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I’m thinking I got 6 hours of sleep over the last 60 hours roughly, although with that much sleep dep, I can’t really do math. I’m in bed now trying to crash. Don’t have to be up until 10 tomorrow. 

5,2 miles for Fri & sat although sat was 801 steps more. Today was only 4 miles. Regardless my legs are thrashed. It’s all walking on asphalt. I need to sleep now.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Sleep is for the weak.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

I’ve been weak since I crossed 50…
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I have a scraped and bruised right ring-finger-knuckle. Did I hit someone? No, the scrape is in the wrong place. WTF?
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
(05-09-2023, 09:14 PM)Drunk Monk Wrote: I have a scraped and bruised right ring-finger-knuckle. Did I hit someone? No, the scrape is in the wrong place. WTF?

Oh, man, that is soooo totally Merc in Ret! I mean, you know, like stuff happened and you, like, didn’t know it happened, so it must be, like , THE STARS or something! Right?
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
I’ve heard finding injuries that you didn’t know had is a sign of alcoholism/addiction. I thot it was a sign of life.

The RetMerc is stronger in Ireland right now. 

I’m still vibrating from TCEC. I keep replaying the do-overs. I regret not engsging more wulin.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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