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Die Antwood
@BGC 9/2/17

It was one of those days more suited for a younger DM. 

With family away at Tassajara Zendo, I had one big day planned for Labor Day weekend 2017 - Saturday. Friday's Anthony B miracle ticket was an unexpected bonus, but a minus for that big day. Went to Kung Fu in the morning and had a surprisingly solid practice, despite the night before, the last class of my Frogman brother before he returns to MD, and the heat. Showered, suited up, and went by my JNK lieutenant Sarah's for a JAH Med postmortem FaceTime with our cmo, the up the 1 to Chinatown. The 1 was the most crowded I've ever seen - every beach parking spilling over to the hwy, 5 accidents, slow but I had AC and planned for it. I still luv that drive. SF was 101 when I got there at 4. WTH?

I was there for YC Wong's 50th Anniversary of his school, one of the oldest in Chinatown. It was a powerful turnout of traditional old skool grandmasters and many old friends. I wore my Italian chinoiserie gangsta suit with my Omei Asian Henley, which was dumb because I realized that having that shirt logo on back was inappropo (I wore it for the gold dragon on front) so I was obligated to keep the jacket on. My diet doesn't allow me much at Chinese banquets anymore, which is just as well because I shot photos, giving me a front row seat on the floor. GM Wong shook my hand like half a dozen times and was very gracious. I felt honored because I have great respect for him. Holding down a school in Chinatown for a half century is badass, and being able to move like he does at 85 is even more badass. It was work on feckin Labor Day Saturday, but I enjoyed being amongst the molum.

Then I headed over to BGC for Die Antwoord. The bulldog at the door would not let me in because I was late. WTH? So merc. I was stuck and the show supe's cell was full. Fortunately, an old partner in crime caught me, and got me hooked up with RM and in the door. I went up to RM to change out of my suit and they just had their first IPR, so I was changing gears, clothes, recounting the banquet to explain my lateness and clothes, and talking down this dude (he was already through the tough stuff so that's was easy and made me look on point).  A potential JNK padawan was their as a patient (way drunk) but she had a sense of humor about it and I'm bummed I came late and didn't get to chat much (plus I was juggling that talkdown at the same time). Most of RM were tripped out that I was there, and even more confused to learn that I've been following the band for years, but those that knew me figured out the ninja connection.

Die Antwoord was amusing as always. They had a triangular video backdrop which alternated looking like a pyramid or a fat arrow pointed up. Hecka loud. Ninja was hard, spitting zef full auto. Yolandi was annoying A F with her screechy yelling but I'm glad she's found her stage. She's so freaky. The audience was eclectic, clearly flying their freak flags furiously and dancing frantically. I e decided that I still luv Did Antwoord for what they are but don't really care for their music. Yolandi is captivating but fundamentally unlistenable. 

Today and tomorrow I rest. I'm sore. Tara comes home today but her bf is picking her up. Stacy comes home Tuesday. 

On more bit of merc - the heat caused a flea outbreak and I'm bit to shit - over a half dozen on my right armpit, less on my left armpit, a few on my arms and legs, two on my belly and three on my balls. Nothing like heat, a suit and itchy balls at a formal work event. Hopefully no one caught a pic of me at an awkward moment, because I was front and center, and many were filming.

Now it's time for snacks, naps, video, medicine and whiskey. Happy Labor Day DOOM bros!
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I decided what I like about Die Antwoord is their vids and interviews, their characters, but man, when you hear it live, Yolandi's vocals are so abrasive, so nails on a chalkboard.

I can't remember if this got posted here already with the great vid embed fail from our last forum change, but I gotta post this because yolandi gives me a shout out sorta. I don't know if they played this last night. I didn't recognize any of the tunes I heard.

Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Anyone planning to go to this?

DM, any chance you're working this?

LCF pointed it out to me.

Quote:Die Antwoord - House Of Zef North American Tour
Sun • Jan 30, 2022 • 7:30 PM
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, San Francisco, CA
I'm nobody's pony.
It’s on my radar however I’m not sure I’ll be doing indoor shows by that time. Depends how the covid numbers look and if we’ll have to worry about the pi variant yet.

Shadow boxing the apocalypse
(12-10-2021, 06:32 AM)Drunk Monk Wrote: It’s on my radar however I’m not sure I’ll be doing indoor shows by that time. Depends how the covid numbers look and if we’ll have to worry about the pi variant yet.


Dammit.  My bad.  "Thou ought not multiply threads beyond necessity."  --Occam
I'm nobody's pony.
No worries. The almighty Greg merged them. I was going to get around to that, after my point was made.

Honestly, as fascinated as I am with Yolandi, Yoko is less grating. 

What is it with female singers who's name begins with Y?
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Zef - The Story of Die Antwoord

Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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