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Doom Gifts
you win.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
The Queen and I traveled north this Christmas. We spent three very uncomfortable nights in my old room. To make the sofa bed matress more comfortable, the folks have placed another mattress on top of the sofa bed mattress. It's like sleeping on a sponge. The mattress position or maybe it's the underlying sofa bed, causes your feet to be above your head, so it always feels like you are sleeping downhill. Yes, the room is jam packed with oddments and once we put our bags on the floor, there was no room to move or the dogs to lie down. They naturally gravitated towards the bed. Two dogs and two humans on the one full size mattress is no way to sleep.

But that is neither here nor there to the point of this story. One night I'm staring up hill past my feet and was looking at a pink curio cabinet filled with tschotkes. They really are hard to find in the house, I know. But for the first time, I noticed a theme to this small curio cabinet. It's full of creches, scenes of the nativity. Okay. There are also angels and people praying. Of course, there are also Santa's in the mix. Okay. It's confusing, but I'm getting used to it.

Then I look to this curio cabinet's neighbors. On the top is two representations of Hindu gods. On the second shelf down there are fertility gods. The juxtaposition of these two cabinets causes the sharp pain spike behind my eye. You would think one or the other of these two religious forces would send a lightning bolt screaming into this room. I'm sure this is still time for the cosmic reallignment.

I did well. That Amazon Wish List is really starting to pay off.

The Queen got a me a new printer that I won't stop using. If you have wall space, I have the picture for you.
The folks got me books and a new monitor and some cashola, which is always nice but sent Sister Steph into a Tizzy. She got furniture shipped to Seattle in Lieu of Cash.
I got some Photoshop books and some photography books. I got a galileo thermometer. It's the one with the glass bulbs. And jackets and underwear and new shorts.
I did very well for myself. Plus, I've gorged myself on cookies that i was supposed to handout but have eaten instead.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
6 pairs CK socks (yes!), long underwear (tops & bottoms) made of bamboo (double yes!), organic mints and licorice (single yes! not too into licorice), post its (will use), a box mac and cheese (regifted to T), mini Dilbert calendar (good for the office), a northface daypack that folds into a bag for itself (as if you'd need a bag for your bag, wtf?), 21 yr Glenlivet (yea), Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon DVD (?), Star Wars Trilogy DVD (1st 3, ???), eo hand sanitizer (got plenty of those but will use), chandrika soap (yes!), dr. bronner's soap (eh, ok), 3 pairs of Land's End jeans (nice), bath salts for muscle soreness (always useable), essential oils for the car (eucalyptus, lemon & peppermint - the euc made my eyes water), movie tickets for AMC, Best Magazine article collection 2009, two Taschen photo book of Asia (weird), See's nuts & chews (regifted to my mom), floss (always useful), new PJ bottoms (also useful)... I think that's it...

Best gifts given: 14 foot trampoline to T, iPhone for Mrs. Dm.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Two external hard drives (1TB for my iMac, 320GB portable for my PC), moccasin-style slippers, Hallmark 2010 card software, 3 boxes of blank cards, 6 boxes of black tea, 4 pairs of leggings, a nifty stand for my iPod, camera case, several nifty items from Victoria's Secret, a Snuggy (oy!), a paper address book (??!), a jar of some sort of incredibly strong-smelling lotion (that we immediately threw out when we got home), a cat-face T-shirt, a canvas purse with some sort of cat design. A Victory Fencing polo shirt in which, I'm told, I look hot (although perhaps not quite as hot as the Victoria's Secret stuff...)

Oh, and an IOU for a cruise.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
that post isn't good w/out pics...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Yup, Ms. The Queen, we need to compare and contrast. You can ditch the snuggy, though.

Received: a bazillion bottles of wine that I am regifting as I don't drink the stuff, a sake sampler that I will either regift or bring to a DOOM event, three pounds of chocolate, a very nice bottle of Glenrothes single-malt from 1985, an 8 year-old "ultra peaty" single malt that I have never seen nor heard of before (and can't remember the name of) about 4 pounds of roasted coffee from various places, boxer-briefs, The Complete James Bond DVD collection (through the Craig Casino Royale) and a bag of Pferffergnuse cookies.

I gave my whole family Snuggies for Xmas. Ironically for my brothers, but honestly for my mom.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
I also got a bottle of witch hazel with aloe.

The complete James Bond kicks ass on the Star Wars trilogy Ep 1-3, as does the unknown peaty single malt on the 21 Glenlivet.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
As I get older my desire for non-consumable objects lessens.

This was the best Xmas ever:

1. Bottle of 12-year old Oban single-malt
2. Bottle of Johnny Walker green-label
3. !.75 liter bottle of J&B blended
4. Sweeney Todd on Blu-Ray (yes - I liked it that much and have already watched it twice)

Dee Dee and I donated to various charities what we would normally spend on presents for each other.
[Image: magpie13.gif]
See. I can merge topics. Ha!
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
A GC from my son for a car wash which includes some kind of bro-deal from somebody he knows that works there. Some crafts from my daughter including a very pretty silk painting. A pound of stew meat from her BF's family's ranch in Montana. A root beer making kit, some bamboo sheets (very soft!), a lava lamp.

Best gifts given:
for my daughter, all the ingredients to make your own chai.
for her BF: Frooties <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
for my son: a mexican blanket (actually a you know how hard it is to find a mexican blanket? Side note: I found a really interesting indoor Bazaar in Watsonville...Need some fake aligator cowboy boots?)
for my dad: a DVD (in English) of "Magic Boy", and 1959 anime from Japan that I've been looking for for years...


Ah, big fast Nikon Glass is now in my posession. My sister got some stupid furniture shipped to Seattle. I got a lens that makes my penis bigger. You decided who got the better present. I don't think she wanted a bigger penis, though.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
A bottle of GREEN LABEL Jack! That totally kicks ass on all of your froofroo gourmet whiskeys!!
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Jack Daniels is to whisky what Bartels & James is to wine: Beloved of sorority girls and Bud-drinkers.

Enjoy it responsibly.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Drunk Monk Wrote:A bottle of GREEN LABEL Jack! That totally kicks ass on all of your froofroo gourmet whiskeys!!

(sigh) I knew this would happen.

Johnnie Walker does not like to be called Jack.

The Green Label is a 15 year old blended:

Johnnie Walker Green Label

It's delicious.
[Image: magpie13.gif]
Phew! Thank you for clearing that up, Senor Dingo. Please disregard my previous comment.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.

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