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2023 Tiger Claw Elite Championships - May 6-7 - San Jose
Well, if you ever need it, I just found all the 2014 TCKFMC videos while I was looking for some empty hard drive space.

(You will never need it. I will never get rid of it)
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Ha. Still waiting for Victor's 2023 vids. 

I think it'll be fairly easy to get you back in as videographer next year, if you want. 

That's assuming we do it again next year. 

Feckin South Hall is trying to enact video and photo restrictions. That would mean every one taking professional photos/videos would have to be monitored at a cost of $400-500 per person. 

Funflation. It's real.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Monitored for what?
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

For $400-500 in South Hall's pocket. 

FUNflation strikes again.

Plus they still want to get those metal detectors in place - one at each door, with two guards to use them. 

There's a lot of discussion about moving the venue to Santa Clara Convention Center. That's where we started. That'll suck too. We shall see. Jonny has to make the call and he still hasn't budged on Victor's vids (he did cop to the delay being his fault and said he'd transfer control to me, but that was a while ago).
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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