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Year End Wrapup?
Best book of 2005: Altered Carbon and sequels by R. Morgan
Best new bookstore: Cody's at Union Square
Best new coffee place (retail espresso) Blue Bottle Coffee, Hayes Valley
" " " " (roaster) Bona Vita, San Rafael (Spinelli's is BACK!)
Best new Mesopotamian restaurant: YaYa (on Van Ness, near Union)

To be continued if i think of anything else.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Okay, this is belated, but better than never.

Top Ten Movies of 2005 & Early 2006

Kung Fu Hustle: about a gay martial artist who likes metal bracelets
Capote: about a gay writer who likes hardened criminals
Survival Style 5+: about a gay teenage hoodlum who breaks into houses
Brokeback Mountain: about gay cowboys who like to marry women and raise families
The Wayward Cloud: about a gay guy who passes time fucking an unconscious woman
Shaolin Dolomite: about gay gold- and silver-painted guys who like climbing atop one another
Wild Zero: about a groupie who turns gay when his girlfriend sprouts a dick
Tom Yum Goong: about a gay underling to an evil dominatrix
Cutie Honey: come on, Cutie Honey and the policewoman were gay; they just wouldn't admit it
Lord of War: only saw the poster, but it had a strong gay ambience to it
I'm nobody's pony.
Best Book: Captain Alatriste
Best Movie: Curse of the Were Rabbit
Best Cartoon: Still "Crac!" 1981
Best Fish: Smoked Salmon, natch
Best Restaurant: Club 33
Best Day At Work: Meeting Frederick Back
Best Fight: Ben refusing to poop (6+ days)
Best ATM: 2nd & A St. B of A
Best Drive: John Wayne airport to Disneyland
Best Song: "Change" Tracy Chapman
Best Podcast: Tartan Podcast
Best Website: Cartoon Brew
Best Night: Burns Night
Best History: Disney´s Giant and the Artist´s Model (book) by Adrienne Tytla
Best CD: Bob Dylan Modern Times.
Best Musical Moment: Heavyweight Dub Champion @ ROTR.
Best Film: TIE A Scanner Darkly & Tsotsi.
Best Book: American Shaolin by Matt Polly, with an honorable mention to Red Pine's translation of The Platform Sutra.
Best Drink: Guinness, with an honorable mention to Smithwicks.
Best Interview: Jet Li, with an honorable mention to Ronny Yu and Lou Reed.
Best Night Drop: DM payback on BLBP for Halloween over a decade ago on Halloween 2006.
Best new poster: LCF with two whole posts....oh wait, that's 2007. Nevermind. Maybe next year LCF.
Best TV show: TIE The Office & Heroes
Best DVD: The Addams Family Season One
Sillest pet: Redbell, the tamed feral
Mellowest pet: Alice, the white rabbit
Best Fight Scene: Tom Yum Goong - the one-continuous shot staircase fight
Best Real Fight: Heavyweight Dub Champion @ ROTR
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Worst Film: Eragon (Could be worst best film)
Best Film: Thank you for Smoking
Best Animated Film: Cars
Best TV: Heroes rocks. It should be on every night.
Best Sporting Moment: Romo drops the ball during the kick. Ouch
Best New Activity: Scuba Diving
Best New Activity I might not do again: Scuba Diving.
Oddest Event: Ken Wedding
Favorite Piece of Software: Flash 8
Favorite Piece of Software I probably won't use to it's fullest: Flash 8
Least Visited Website:
Best Pizza: Jakes's What did you think it was?
Best New TV: Check out the living room when you visit
Best New Sound System: See the note on the TV
Biggest Fiscal Dare: Buying a second house to fix up(Do you see the Moron in the mirror?)
Best Dog Porn: Cuchulain learns about sex with Preston!
Best Books: The Prince of Nothing Trilogy
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
Best PC Game: Call of Cthulu
Worst PC Game: American McGee's Bad Day L.A.
Best Console Game: Guitar Hero (yeah - I'm a year late.)
Best Film: Pirates of the Caribbean 2 (Lot of 2006 films still in my Netflix queue - I hear 'Children of Men' is awesome.)
Worst Film: Beerfest (or 'Must Love Dogs')
Best TV Show: Heroes
Worst TV Show: Knights of Prosperity
Best Book: Stephen King - "Cell" (Actually the only book from 2006 I read)
Best Pizza: Zachary's
Best Album: Grandaddy - "Just Like the Fambly Cat"
Worst Album: Neil Young - "Living With War" (I think there is a great album in there somewhere, but the over-the-top backup choir makes my ears hurt).
Best thing I bought: Scepter 22" Widescreen LCD monitor.
Best political moment: When the Dems too both the house and Senate.
Best Concert: The Pogues @ The Fillmore
Best Blended Irish Whisky: Tullamore Dew beat out Bushmill's this year.
[Image: magpie13.gif]
Best Irish Whisky: Bushmill's 21 year-old
Best real whisky: Talisker Distillers reserve
Best roadtrip: Two wheels through Big Sur
Best "trip" trip: Sydney
Best espresso: still Blue Bottle on Linden Alley in Hayes Valley
Best news of 2006: Family still healthy and happy (midterm elections came a close second).
Best TV: Daily Show, the new Doctor Who
Best book/author: Inspector Montalbano Mysteries by Andrea Camilleri
Knight and Wizard by Gene Wolfe
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.

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