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Veteran (2015)
I’m binging K-action flix for a DoG piece and this was in the top 5 box office blockbusters. I can see why. It does everything I want from K-flix. It’s well crafted with superb cinematography, witty brutal action (so many winceable groin shots), funny at points, savage at others. 

An upstart cop busts a car thieving ring, but then gets involved with the ‘suicide’ of a union blue collar truck driver and takes it all the way to the top, a rich entitled brat tycoon’s son psychopath played to a T by Yoo Ah-in. It’s the villain that makes this work. He’s utterly despicable. The against all odds cop fights his superiors (on the take) and his wife (although she, nor their kid, get kidnapped like I was expecting) to bring down the brat and the coke-fueled finale car chase and fisticuffs totally deliver. 

Yoo Had-jin is outstanding as the rich brat’s fixer - I’m used to him playing whiny comedic roles given his long horse face, but here he delivers a layered performance as his character navigates being the diplomatic one for his loathsome boss, subservient to his boss’ dad, conniving as the briber, and manipulatively self sacrificing in the end. He’s great at was he does, always giving his roles such convincing life.

A fine engaging actioner. D00M recommended
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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