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Uncharted (2022)
It still holds true, at least in my mind, that if the film is going to be based on a video game, it's going to be bad. Uncharted is based on a video game. I had never heard of this game so it shouldn't matter and yet. Bad. They even had Playstation as one of the Productions Companies in the opening credits much like they have Hasbro before the Transformer movies.

It's basically a bunch of action sequences held loosely together by some talky bits. You've seen almost all of the action sequences in the trailer. It's a treasure hunt based on the lost gold of Magellan. There are clues and passages to traverse to get to more clues. There are double crosses amongst the treasure hunters. Marky Mark gets to call Tom Holland 'kid' a lot. Antonio Banderas gets to twirl his mustache. And then more stunts.

It was the last big action set piece that made me throw up my hands and cry uncle. It was just too ludicrous. They could do the stunt in the computer and maybe it's in the game but it just seemed silly.

But the film is on Netflix and is there for anyone to take a gander.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm


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