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The Power of the Dog

Benedict Cumberbach is one of two brothers that buy the Montana ranch from their parents and are seemingly successful at it. Phil (Cumberbach) is a bit of a jerk to his brother (Jesse Plemons) and when the cattle drive stops for the night at an inn, Cumberbatch is rude to the widowed inn keeper's effeminate son. The relationship between Phil and his brother is strained, even more so when the brother returns from an outing in his car and tells Phil that he married the innkeeper (Kirsten Dunst).

I imagined the story was going to be of Phil falling for Dunst and a big rivalry between the brothers, but it didn't go in that direction at all...

It's a very slow story and doesn't build into very much action...just lots of tension. A great lack of communication.

It's a period piece (1925) and is beautiful. Some of the Jonny Greenwood soundtrack is pretty good

... but in the later half of the film, it's just a cacophony.

Recommended for Cumberbatch, the scenery and some of the soundtrack.

Yeah, still on the fence for this one.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Netflix now has a behind the scenes up if you want to see how the sausage was made...


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