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The House (2022)
This is a three part animated movie - three different stories by different directors but centered on the house of the title. It's stop-motion with the figures made from felted wool (for humans) and fake fur (for animals). It's surreal and weird and I'm not sure it really has a point. The middle story seemed overlong and it was the weakest. The other two are pretty good.

HP factor: 2, Helena Bonham Carter and Miranda Richardson

Recommended if you want something that's a bit like something ED might have shown us (although not as disturbing as some of those)
the hands that guide me are invisible
That was some extraordinary stop-motion animation. 

Part 1 was a creepy gothic horror that reminded me faintly of Coraline. I got a tingle of goosebumps at one point which caught me off guard because who the heck gets creeped out by felt dolls?

2 reminded me of that abysmal live action Cats with the dancing cockroaches. I agree this was the weakest segment. The mcguffin almost worked but it wasn’t foreshadowed enough. I liked spotting the sewing machine from p1 in the garbage.

3 struck me as funny because of Cosmos. His Tibetan chanting and didgeridoo playing made me think that this is what DM would be like if he was a stop-mo hippie cat in a post apocalyptic flood.

I thought the point was about homeownership. The hassles of being a homeowner were resonate with me, more so with the burden of my mom’s house (which is falling apart) then our Fremont house (which is nearing getting paid off). I think all the writers were dealing with home restorations projects and were inspired to tell these tales as metaphors.

I didn’t find it nearly as disturbing as any traumatic eye rape that ED used to showcase. It did have a nice surreal vibe especially p1 & 2. I admired its artistry. 

Recommended for D00Mers into stop motion.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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