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Thunder Force
Melissa McCarthy and Olivia Spencer get super powers and fight the miscreants terrorizing Chicago.

Right up front, I will accept your scorn. Even I am scornful of me for watching this. And not only did I watch it, I kept at it. I watched it in chunks over the course of 3 days. At any time, I could have said enough is enough and stopped. But I ain't no quitter. Sadly.

I figured it would be dumb. I don't really like Melissa McCarthy's brand of humor most times. Imagine my surprise when the film turned out to be really dumb and full of McCarthy's humor. The humor quotient was probably enabled by the fact the director is McCarthy's husband. And the movie is full of dumb characters saying and doing dumb things.

Super villains are made on earth after a meteor drops weird energy rays over the earth. Why they didn't make heroes at the same time is a mystery. These villains kill Spencer's parents who were trying to make a serum to create super heroes. Spencer devotes her life to fulfilling their life's work. McCarthy is her dimwitted white trash friend. They form an unlikely friendship in high school but it soon ends when McCarthy's shenanigans interfere with Spencer's work.

Many years later at a high school reunion, McCarthy tries to make amends. By this time Spencer is a very rich scientist on the cusp of the potion to make super heroes. Through a series of hilarious mix-ups, McCarthy accidentally gets the powers destined for Spencer. No the mix-ups weren't all that hilarious. The two of them work together to work on McCarthy's super strength, while Spencer work on her own powers. No they can't just make more of the serum to make Spencer super strong as well. Are you crazy.

Then they take on the bad guys led by Bobby Cannavale and Jason Bateman's Crab creature. Bateman's power is that he has crab arms.

I can't write anymore. The fact I watched this is still making me mad.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Netflix has been trying to foist this upon me since it came out. I reject it entirely. I too disdain McCarthy, except for some of her SNL spoofs, which I grudgingly accept only because she was on my side of the political divide.

Thanks for jumping on this grenade, Greg. Over three days even. I’m sure I speak for all of DOOM when I say your post here has filled our hearts with warm schadenfreude.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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