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The Dig (2021)
Ralph Fiennes stars as Basil Brown as the original excavator at Sutton Hoo, an archeological dig in the southeast corner of England. The dig takes places at the behest of Edith Pretty who wondered, with her husband, what was underneath those mysterious mounds on their property. But when Pretty's husband dies she's left to solve the problem. She hires Basil, who is not an archeologist but has spent his whole life working at archaeological digs. Brown works primarily by himself with two diggers until he unearths something very interesting. Then, of course, the big boys show up and kick him to the side. 

This is a really well made movie that doesn't have a third act. Nothing much happens after they make the big discovery. They just keep digging and find more objects. There is kind of an extraneous love story that comes to the fore as the character of Brown recedes into the background.

The purpose of the movie and the book upon which it is based is to shine the light on the contributions of Basil Brown which had been dismissed until about the 1970s. Fiennes does do his usually stellar job.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

I enjoyed this. It was rather low key. Fiennes was excellent. While it was a huge find, it was really even bigger than you get from this movie - it contained items from various places in Europe, as well as Byzantium, and even fragments of textile that may have come from Syria.

FYI, the person in the burial (completely decayed by acidic soil by the time of excavation) was left-handed. The sword was placed at his right side.
the hands that guide me are invisible

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