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Project Power (2020 Netflix)
Netflix continues to make mediocre blockbusters. While I applaud the blockbuster part, I just wish they were better. I mean it is nice getting a new movie to watch every Friday.

There's a pill. If you take the pill, you get Superpowers for 5 minutes. You don't know what your power is until you take the pill. The pills are all part of a plot. Jamie Foxx is ex-military tracking down his daughter who is somehow caught up in the pill distribution. Joseph-Gordon Levitt who is a cop trying to clean up after people take the pill. Levitt and Foxx think they are on opposite sides but wait.

In the middle, is this young girl named Robin caught between the two of them as they follow leads. No, she won't stay behind in the car. No, she won't be the lookout. It's too dangerous, but please go into the lair of the bad guy first. Foxx has to make a dumb speech to Robin about empowerment and following what's inside you.

There's one big plot point they could have tied up in the end, something to do with diabetes and healing but they just let it go. 

Like the other Netflix movies, it looks like it wants to be part of a series.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm


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