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Trumbo (2015)
Bryan Cranston plays Dalton Trumbo, the man who wrote Roman Holiday and Spartacus while sitting in a bath tub.

It's a preachy film. Everyone talks in bold letters. Everything they say is important and to be taken seriously. It gets wearying after a while. Cranston seems to be constantly ready to twirl his mustache. And just to show that this is a serious film, we see Trumbo's flaws as well. His relationship with his children is a mess. But it's all for the greater good so it's okay.

It was a good primer on the players in the whole Blacklist story, but again everyone was two dimensional with not a lot of background or motivations on the characters. Basically commies are bad and what side are you on?

It's a great cast. Helen Mirren, Louis CK, Cranston, Diane Lane, Alan Tudyk, and John Goodman. Lots of big stars in small rolls. But still, felt like a speech for two hours.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm


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