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URL's don't word-wrap
Ever wonder why you have to scroll across to read some pages? It's because of those million character links that stretch forever across the page.

In my current anal webmaster phase, I've been editing those links into a small font or using the url="name" tage to get rid of some of the bigger. If you've been wondering about the changes to some of your posts in this fashion, it was me dammit. I just couldn't take it. Because if you have to scroll for one post, you have to do it for all the posts on that page under that thread.

The Web police have spoken.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
"...Ive been edit those links..."

Thank you, Mr. Editor.
If you're going to spell check me, you better pack a lunch, because it's going to be a long day.

And just for reference where is the post you are referencing? Hmmm?
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
Spelling errors are when individual works are incorrectly represented by alternative characters. What I was pointing out, before you in your all powerful state of forum owner re-worked into a state of correctness, whas the omission of entire words that may have helped convey the message you were actually attempting to convey, vs the one you actually conveyed.

Now, of course, people will forever wondered what the hell I'm on about, since you went back in time and edited your previously sent message.

Ok. Fine. You are ALL POWERFUL, and I'm not. Okey dokey. There. I admitted it. Feel better, Mister High & Mghty?
I hope you nelt wen you sed it. Confusedmt075
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Jeez. All you johnny-come-lately spelling nazis. This fascist "all words must have same spelling" thing is just a recent fad. Even today some dictionaries don't agree on spellings. So cool your jets, rigid-spellign people, and keep your laws off of my literary body.

-Live Free or Yeti
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.

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