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Fury (2015)
War is bad.

Even if you are as good looking as Brad Pitt. Pitt plays a tank commander in the waning stages of World War 2 on the march through Germany. And the only thing worse than war is allowing a Nazi to live. The whole tank crews is pretty much used up after 3 and a half years of fighting through Africa, France, Belgium and now Germany. (Although how an American Tank squad went from the African Theater to the French theater is beyond me. I would think they would have repurposed them for the Italian campaign). Naturally, they are given a raw recruit to replace their recently deceased assistant driver and he hasn't even been to tank school. He supposed to be clerk, trained to type 60 words per minute rather than how to fire a gun. Oh those whacky guys in personnel.

The movie is a big push to show how dehumanizing war can be as we follow the pacifist clerk becoming a killer. There is a big last stand for the tank name Fury and it's crew as they must defend a crossroads against an SS Battalion coming up the road. I guess they never heard the run away and live to fight another day maxim.

The film is loud. All the characters seem to be purposefully noxious, even dreamboat Brad Pitt. But they are mean because they all want to get out of this war alive.

Lots of repellant footage. Lots of loud tank battles. Lots of manly men being manly men. Not even a sword fight but there is a knife fight.

If you have guessed the Queen is on the road, give yourself a gold star.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit

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