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Big Hero Six
It was a good time at the movies. I am getting a bit of sense of been there done that with Super Hero movies, but this was still enjoyable. Curse Disney, again, for killing parents. Most inept group of heroes so far but likable.

The best part of this film was the depiction of San Fransokyo. I'd really like to see some big stills from the depiction of the city. There was lots of details and it was fun to see San Francisco with an Asian theme to it.

I'm surprised KFM didn't get to do a review since there was a taste of martial arts in the picture as Baymax learns Karate in the film.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
Short. Whiz kid loses someone close to him and inherits a medical robot, along with a bunch of nerd geniuses, and they have to save the world. Reminiscent of every other nerd and robot movie ever made - but well paced like any Pixar flick, funny and charming, very watchable. I saw it in 3D. It wasn't particularly great on it, IMHO. But I got to try the new recliner chairs at the Royal. P.O.S.H. -> POSH!

The voice actors are negligible. San Fransokyo is really amusing - best sci-fi/fantasy depiction of SF since Star Fleet Academy. Lots of gaping plot holes, and T and I both predicted the mcguffin from way out, but it is very colorful and distractingly charming, so who really cares about plot? Lite family-friendly humor. I know, I know, I've said I'm done with superhero movies, but this one may well have brought me back into the fold.

The robot BayMax is unbelievably cute. I just wanted to hug it.

No spoilers. You don't need them as this is Pixar at it's most predictable. No swordfights but there is some Kung Fu (mislabeled Karate sadly). No Bollywood dance numbers but it's still super colorful, especially the transporter dimension.

PS: The preceding Pixar short Feast is super duper cute. Outrageously cute. So cute, I got me all misty. And it's about a dog.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
beaten to the punch by Greg by seconds!!!
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
You would be the one who hesitated.

Now, I guess it is time to merge the threads . . .
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
The intro short was really good. Dogs rule.

I concur with the DM.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
I totally would have done a review for KFM had I known there was a martial scene, and if I had the time....
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Gee, if only there were others that you could call upon to do movie reviews for you . . . .
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
...but if you ever have a screener down there that you can get into, let me know and we'll see if it's something that might work. Obviously, if there's no martial connection, we can't really go with it, but I've worked Harry Potter in (sure that was a major stretch, but it's Ass Pub prerogative). Note also that most film reviews are handled in-house because it doesn't really bring us that much. It's trade for future screeners with our local promoters. But we get nothing from LA promos so it becomes like paying freelancers to advertise other people's stuff. When Patrick or I do a review, it doesn't cost the company anything. When you or LCF do a review, we do compensate you, so there's a bit of a difference there, so I'm mainly trying to deploy you for special cases - stuff I think is really consequential with our readership. Frankly, we're so niche, there aren't that many martial arts flicks making it to theaters nowadays....but I do have you guys in mind for sure.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Somebody has to bust your balls. Might as well be someone you know.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
...where it's all about ball bustin.

Truth be told, I find movie criticism to be the lowest form of journalism, right down there with restaurant reviews. There's this long process where you have to do this dance with your reviews - say nice things to appease the pr firms or you won't get invited back. You gotta pay your dues. It takes some time before you can gain enough reputation to really trash a film when it sucks. Either that, or you have to be with a major reporting agency, but then, if you've gotten that far, you've already paid your dues. I toyed with doing some side reviews for the local new rags, just to get into more screeners - NOT martial arts films - but it seemed like too much work in the end. I get so many wannabe freelancers who want to do reviews and most of them are so transparently weak. It's like "I'm too lame to be able to write about anything but my stupid opinions on someone else's work."

Even more truth be told, the field of movie criticism was wrecked - WRECKED - by Joe Bob Briggs. I even poach his 'fu' formula here on DOOM because it was so stupendously awesome.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I think when I was on the junket for The Raid, there was a lot of talk from the bloggers and the reviewers about which film premieres had the best food.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
that must be an LA thang. we seldom get treated to such courtesies up here.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Yeah, Lady Cranefly and I were very disappointed with the fixin's at the John Wick premier. I'm allergic to lobster and Lady Cranefly is allergic to steak. They could have had more choices. Just sayin'.
I'm nobody's pony.

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