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In the Blood
The new Gina Carano vehicle. It allegedly got a limited theatrical release but I know not where. I caught it on iTunes last night while waiting to gaze at the midnight fog which I was lead to believe would be a blood moon. Right now, everything I watch is in the wake of RAID 2. I might have enjoyed this better if I saw it before I saw that.


The plot is silly. When the reason for the kerfuffle is revealed, it's one of those 'srsly?' moments. The film is really all about Gina. Or it should really be all about Gina but she has yet to get a vehicle that shows her talents. Bottom line - this needed more fight scenes. No woman in movies now can throw a punch like Gina. Just make a movie where she does a lot of that sort of stuff. She does have to act in this one, to go from giddy newlywed to a gritty cold-blooded weapon of vengeance, and in the process, she acts happy, then cries, then goes all sadistically stoic. She displays more acting range than Chuck Norris or Stephen Seagal. There's some moments of decent action and some tasty ultravi, but it needed more. The island ghetto scenery is pleasant. But still, it's great to see a full-figured gal like Gina on screen, as well as cliche reversal of a heroine that saves her helpless boy. She would've made a great Wonder Woman.

No sword fights. A machete fight would have been good.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I thought "Haywire" was a great Euro-Action flick (like Ronin or the Bourne movies). based on the strength of that debut, I am constantly surprised that she has not been snatched-up to become the next action hero. Wonder Woman? Hells yeah!
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
...but instead, they hired some skinny supermodel and signed her for three pictures. :roll:
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
DM says:
Quote:...but instead, they hired some skinny supermodel and signed her for three pictures.

That is so disgusting. As disgusting as Steven Siegal's torso on the cutting room floor.
I'm nobody's pony.
Doing some M@A prep binging and just realized Danny Trejo was in this. Danny is freakin everywhere.

And that I must recant my disparaging comment about Ms. Gadot. She may not be able to throw a punch like Gina but no way Gina could have elevated WW the way Gal did. Can’t call ‘em all right. If I could, I’d be rich.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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