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I kept hearing this ad on the radio this morning about Gymkhana. And I kept thinking it was this:

[Image: 70059465.jpg]

But it in reality it was this:


Which made a lot more sense. I couldn't imagine that film getting 140 million hits on youtube.

But after watching the vid, I had even more questions. Like who the hell okayed the shut down of the Bay Bridge for some silly car video? Who thought it would be a good idea for them to be making doughnuts and skid marks on all the streets? How many neighbors complained. I just can't imagine SF okaying this. I can't.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
That's one heck of an expensive vid. Cool driving tho.

I had the same thought about GymKata. That's arguably one of the stupidest MA films ever. I haven't even shown it to T, and she's a gymnast. Damn, they should make a sequel of that now...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Back around 1980 when I was destroying Burroughs Corporation from the inside (before moving on to Control Data, then Data General, then SGI), I was working with this software programmer who said he competed against Kurt Thomas. In fact, he beat Thomas in a tournament shortly before the Olympic trials.

Was he telling the truth? I think so. He had an incredible upper body, and I remember one time when we had a pool party, he made some sort of tumbling run towards the pool and somersaulted in with a big splash. Everyone applauded. He seemed to have a screwed up personality. Not that he was unlikeable, just not a complete person. Like he didn't really know who he was or how to act. I wondered whether he'd been screwed over by a coach (sadly, I mean that in the worst way) or someone else involved in his training. I seem to recall that he had been involved in Scientology or something of that sort and had broken away from it with considerable trauma. Anyway, I hope things worked out for him. The last I saw he was making a tumbling run down the middle of the Schuylkill Expressway headed for Philly.

Does this count as name-dropping? I'm just really in the mood to do that, except I don't know any world-famous people. Except DM.

But yeah (to drag this back into context), it's time for Gymkata II, starring Jordyn Wieber and Nadia Comaneci (It's a time-travel movie, got it?).
I'm nobody's pony.
you had me at "jordan wieber"

[Image: jwAP120610053106.jpg]
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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