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The Rock Bottom Remainders
I didn't know where to start this thread. It could have been music, because they are band. Just not a very good one. I could have put it in issues because of it's memory lane aspect. I also could have put it in Gatherings because it's a story I share with the DM

Millions of years ago, DM came to town to take me to a magical place called the American Booksellers Association. Basically, publishers giving away free upcoming books. It was like opening up the crack warehouse to an addict. I think I walked away with over a hundred free books, hardbacks and paper covers. I got a bunch signed because the authors were there as well. I still dream about finagling my way back into such a convention.

They also had a bunch of after parties. DM took me to one at the Palladium where the house band was to be "The Rock Bottom Remainders". Remainders are the books that didn't sell and ended up at Crown Books for ninety nine cents. And the gag behind the band was that it comprised authors. Authors like Stephen King, Dave Barry, Amy Tam, Scott Turow, Matt Groenig, and Mitch Albom.

To be honest, they were all much much better as authors. They played fifties and sixties Rock and Roll classics. Once you got over the gag that the band was made up of authors, it was pretty 'meh'

It got to be the point that I was ready for them to be done so I could leave, when Stephen King announced they had a special guest, some up and coming musician. Well, the up and coming musician was Bruce Springsteen. What had a been an okay night, now became story worthy for years to come. It is not often you see Bruce Springsteen perform in front of a half full auditorium. They sang 'Gloria' It was pretty great. And that was it. The only time I have seen Bruce Springsteen in concert, he was standing at the microphone with Stephen King.

The reason I bring the story up is that the Rock Bottom Remainders is calling it quits. The played their last gig on June 23 here in Los Angeles. If i was a brighter boy, I would have gone. But they were talking about it in the paper and the one story they brought up was about playing with Bruce Springsteen.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
That moment with the Boss goes down as the greatest surprise music guests ever for me. And I've seen a lot of surprise guests. We were front of stage, bro - Front of stage for THE BOSS!!

Caught this in this morning's Chron.
Quote:This week's Entertainment Weekly includes a four-page story about a June 23 performance at a librarians' convention, the final concert of the Rock Bottom Remainders ("famous authors by day, garage band by night"). The magazine properly credits Kathi Kamen Goldmark, who died in May, as founder of the group. At last, national coverage.
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Been following the passing of Goldmark with some former book industry friends.

RBR was the farthest RM ever sent a 'road crew'. That was Miami '93 ABA.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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