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Red Shirts by John Scalzi
Wow, was I disappointed by this book. It was terrible. It's like he had the one joke and he told it. And then you read for another two hundred pages to figure out why he wanted to tell the joke. And his reasoning wasn't very good.

Basically the crewmen on the UU Intrepid realize that if they go on away mission, they are going to do. The crew decides to hide when the away missions occur and leave the away missions for the newbies. Well, the newbies go on a hunt for why people die so spectacularly and randomly on away missions. They come up with an implausible reason.

I guess the book was supposed to be 'Meta' whatever the hell that means. I just felt the whole time Scalzi was smirking at me because he was so clever about writing a book about how redshirt crew members always get killed. And the characters were all one dimensional. It was supposed to be funny but I so no sign of it.

My biggest pet peave is when creating characters for a book you give two of the main characters the same first initial to their names. In this case I think it was Duvall and Daryl. Would it be too hard for the writer to make the names a little more unique? Or is it just me and reading is no longer one of my strengths.

If you would like to read this execrable example of writing, I do have the hard cover. Lucky me.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
I should have posted my red shirt post here tho...
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