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Robert Plant @ Greek 4/22/11
I never saw Led Zep. The closest I came was Plant & Page about 15 years ago at Shoreline. That was an amazing show. Plant teamed up with Alison Kraus for HSB 2 years ago...I didn't go.

I've been listening to the mighty Zep all week. As you may have noticed, I doing a little RM run now. We had orientation at Shoreline last Saturday and it was like (to quote the Dead) 'the bus came by and I got on.' I'm getting off tonight, and I hope that very literally. Janet was amusing. Stevie was melancholy. Didn't engage Rod but I was there for Stevie. I figured it would culminate last night with Plant - I've been in a heavy Zep groove all week, reviewing all my CDs (yes, I still rock CDs - I'd go back to vinyl if I could play it in my car - I'm just old skool that way). It was for naught. Plant was thoroughly underwhelming. He reinterprets some of his old Zep and solo efforts with a bluegrass take. Others commented that it was a lot like his work with Kraus without Kraus. While I admire reinterpretations (come on..I'm a deadhead) It just came off as tepid. Very disappointing.

I'm doing one more show tonight for extra bonus points. This is after I finish refinishing working on T's fort (finish sanding, vacuum, coat). And after that, I'm tabling at a banquet fundraiser for Citizens for Better Community where I've collected some of our odder weapons and will explain them to a bunch of potential donors in hopes of inspiring them to give more. It's like fencing w/a yeti in the display window of an all-white gay club. At least that's what I think it'll be like.

I have an opportunity to work a 5th show tomorrow. Lil Wayne in Oaktown 'cuz nothing says Easter like gangsta rap. No, I'm getting off here, cowboy Neil. Thank you for a real good time. Already it'll be 4 shows in 5 days - like old times when I was younger and less sober.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
There was also an opening act - a folksy two-piece band I think it was. Didn't get their name obviously. Also underwhelming.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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