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Gorillaz - Oracle Arena 10/30/2010
Hi All,

Got some sweet cheap seats in section 110. Both Dee Dee and I will be there. I'm not a huge Gorillaz fan (I get bored when they get hip-hoppy) but I like the melodic stuff.

Should be a good show.

Anyone else going?
[Image: magpie13.gif]
We'll see. I'm hoping they throw another Subsonic at the Palaciao de Bovino. But then, I can barely think a week ahead, much less a month and a half...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
What an awesome show.

The new album 'Plastic Beach' has a lot of guest stars. This performance featured Bobby Womack, Little Dragon, Mick Ronson and Paul Simonon (of The Clash), an orchestra and many others.

Every song had a video telling the story of the 4 delinquent Gorillaz band members trying to save the world from an evil creature. Or something. There was lots of cars, guns, pirate ships and submarines.

Lights flashed, dual-drums pounded beats, electric guitars wailed alongside horns and strings. It was high-energy performance art. The band didn't try to hide (as they have in the past) but they didn't call attention to themselves, wanting the audience to watch the story play out on the video screen.

Even if you don't like their style of hip-hop/alternative I highly recommend catching a show. I was reminded several times of Pink Floyd gigs.

Here's one of the videos:

My only complaint was the beer prices. $12? Really? No thanks.
[Image: magpie13.gif]
They did a webcast of the Plastic Beach live show from London (back in April?? MTV??) Anyway...I'd never seen them before, so it was a nice treat, but it was on while I was at work, so I was a little distracted.


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