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Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeekquel
What a terrible film. I can't remember being this bored in a film. I received no connection with the characters. It seemed like Alvin spent the whole film sucking helium.

It did look great but then aren't computers wonderful. But I never felt engaged to the story. It just seemed like Alvin, Simon and Theodore spent the film wandering around with Alvin trying to get It was Alvin trying to get Simon and Theodore to come with him. Simon and Theodore refuse and then gets seduced into coming.

There was some bits about Theodore's eating problems, but that never paid off. There was one scene of Alvin using his super singing and dancing skills but it was mumbled so I didn't really get his cool revelations. I did kind of like his reasoning about what he was going to do in a fight and then going and doing those things but I kept waiting for it to be wrong.

At the end of the movie, I just didn't care about these characters and this story.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
This review seems very familiar. Was the movie set in London?
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
...or some Euro place... I can't rightly remember. Jason Lee pulled a Babe 2 and set himself up to get injured so he could literally phone it all in. In his stead was Chuck, who sucked. The Chipettes were the only funny thing, and only when they sang Single Ladies (in the trailer) and that Kate Perry song.

There were references to pole dancing and Silence of the Lambs so didn't work.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Was there nudity? That always helps.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
I think both the chipmunks and the chippettes lacked pants. Eek
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Were their flies down?
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
glad you got the reference tho...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I wanted to see Hugo. I was vetoed by my mom. I don't know why. Something about her preferring animated kid's flicks to live ones (never mind that this is mostly live, with only animated chipmunks). I'm not going to argue with my mom over such trivial matters nowadays. She takes care of my dad. She told me that she talked to two of her friends that she hadn't seen recently - asked them how they were doing. Their reply? One said she just buried her husband and daughter. The other said her son just committed suicide. Ouch. If mom wants to see stupid chipmunks with T, well, I won't deny here that.

But OMG, what a horrible film. Ever go to a movie and try to fall asleep? I figured I could catch a few winks at least. But no. Those squeaky chipmunks were too damn loud with their song interpretations.

Damn Jason Lee. I used to love him as Earl. Now he's figured he can just phone in this franchise because Jaime isn't there to sass him back. He just talks to air, and the chipmunks get added later.

This film could have used a sword fight where all those little rodents were shish-ka-bobbed and roasted over a fire on the beach.

T & mom liked it. I think T liked it even more because Daddy didn't like it.

Tonight, Girl w/the Dragon Tattoo - some good rape and revenge to soap, lather, rinse and repeat my chipmunk addled head.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
We are just going to rename you to the bullet taker.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
somehow, i don't think any of you considered the slightest possibility of seeing this film.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
My younger brother Greg, who passed away two years ago, was very good at entertaining the grandkids and other kids in our extended family. He turned the whole backyard into a playground, including swings, slide, trampoline, treehouse, you name it. He also tricked-out his van, in which he installed two TV screens in the backs of the two front seats, with a DVD player for each. That way the kids in the back could watch movies and not fight as much over what to watch.

He and his wife would go on these long trips, usually to the Smokies, taking along three or four kids. Greg's wife would do all or most of the driving, because she didn't care much for Greg's road-rage.

On the trips, Greg would let the kids watch whatever they wanted -- limited, of course, to children's fare. Though in his mind a lot of scarey stuff fit the bill. The kids had grown up around that kind of stuff and could handle it.

But there was one movie he would not allow. It was completely off limits. Yep, the Alvin movie. He could not stand it. He could not stand those chipmunk voices. He hated that movie with a vengeance. And even though the kids might want to watch it, he put his foot down. Hard. No Alvin movie in his van.

DM, in terms of grenades, you fell on the mother of. Your sacrifice is duly noted.
I'm nobody's pony.
In Chipwrecked, the Chipmunks cover LMFAO, and it's like that Kia ad, only without the Kia and the robots.

T has added two Chipmunks tracks to her iPod, specifically because it 'annoys Daddy'.

T also recently saw the original cell animation version of the Chipmunks, some Xmas special. She seems to prefer the original characters over the new CGI ones, but she knows the music from the new films better.

I caught Jason Lee on Fallon last night. Earl is long gone, sad to say.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Oh, the horror. Ben Loves his Chipmunk movies. He can't wait to see this one. I'll likely be falling on the same grenade. Agh! Why do they keep making these? The first one was bad enough. Jason Lee phones in the 2nd one, too. I was hoping he'd have the stones to at least hang in for this one. What's he making per pic here, anyway? Oy.

However, Hugo is phenomenal. Ben was sure he would hate it, but we made him go anyway. I had to give him the "I don't care if you close your eyes and have your fingers in your ears for the whole film, you're going to sit there and be quiet so your mom and I can enjoy the film" lecture. Yeah, it's kind of a long lecture. Anyway, I was sure by the way he was squirming that he was going to walk out of the film saying how much he hated it, but he turned it upside down on my and said it was the best movie he's seen in a long time. I think it ends on such a positive note, he couldn't resist it. He also wanted to learn more about George Melies' films, so it was a win all around.

So, 'munks = Boo! Hugo = Yay!
The only redeeming factor with the 'munks is David Cross. And that's not nearly enough.

At Xma$ dinner, my mom said some of her friends want to see Hugo, so we'll go soon now. I'm pushing that to the front of the queue, before Tintin. T has read Hugo, and is enthusiastic, but she's a cuteness addict, so the munks are cool by her (and the daddy annoyance factor plays into her pre-teen personality). You should start a Hugo thread.

Look forward to your Chipwrecked review. Nice to have a DOOM bro who shares my pain.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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