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Down the rabbit hole...
I mentioned our white rabbit Alice back in December on my Albatross thread. She's a huge rescued lab rabbit and we've had her for several years now. Honestly, no one is quite sure how long. Maybe 5 years. Hard to say. One of S's cousins was in vet school at Davies and told us that Alice would be euthanized if we didn't take her. She heard us mention that we were thinking of a pet rabbit, since T is born in the year of the rabbit. That day, a marvelous homemade hutch was being sold at a neighbor's garage sale on our street. I've since made many repairs and improvements to that hutch.

Alice was T's first pet although she's really big, too big for T or Mrs. Dm to handle. She's too big for the ferals in our yard. Once, we let her run about in the yard and the ferals started circling Alice like lions. The alpha tomcat (we nicknamed Tom) charged Alice and Alice charged right back. He flinched. All the other ferals bore witness. They all cowered in the presence of Alice. Alice has been my responsibility for years now.

Since the vet trips in December, Alice has been inside the living room in our small hutch. She's never quite recovered from that operation and there's a large mass growing rapidly growing on her back. Now she's not cleaning herself, so I must regularly wipe her butt. Remember this old joke? A bear and a rabbit are shitting in the forest. The bear says 'do you have trouble with shit sticking to your fur?' The rabbit says 'no'. So the bear wipes his ass with the rabbit. Well, it's not true. Rabbits have a hellacious time with shit sticking to their fur.

We've decided to let Alice go her course and not take her back to the vet. The vet wanted to have the tumor he removed analyzed to see if it was cancerous, but there's no way we could afford chemo for a rabbit and Alice is getting up there in years for a rabbit, at least so we're told. S's cousin gets us meds at cost.

Alice still seems happy to get treats. Her bad leg is pretty lame now. And of course, she's always got shit stuck to her fur that needs to be cleaned. She's pretty mellow about the cleanings. She seems to understand what's going on.

I need to buy a box, one big enough to fit Alice, when the time comes. I already know where I'll dig the hole.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Don't pets know they aren't supposed to get sick. It should be part of the compact between pets and cleaners. Good luck with the hare.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
Had to guesstimate whether or not the box was big enough. As long as rigor doesn't set in too quick and the body is still pliable, there shouldn't be a problem. Was reminded of ED's tale of cleaning up when his hound ate his rabbit. There's something morbidly fascinating about dealing with a dead pet because you fantasize about dealing with a dead human and it leaves you to ponder how hard it would be to really dispose of a body. Also considered the whole notion of a casket for a pet. You can bury the small animals in your yard - rodents, cats, snakes - but for some reason not dogs, no matter how small.

Discussed euthanasia with Mrs. Dm. Dm has a hard time paying someone else to do that. The tumor on her back is about the size of an egg now.

Dm has been thinking a lot about the Easter bunny, who is also usually white.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Euthanasia. Such a pleasant word. Would you do it yourself? I couldn't think of doing it for the dogs. But then you feel bad about how often Vets have to Euthanize animals. This is a bad thread. But I do understand.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
I don't know. I've been pondering that very question.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
This follows from Mrs. DM saying she couldn't see paying someone to do it.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
#7's me who's not into paying for that. here, let me give you some money to kill my rabbit. that just doesn't work for me.

alice got ambitious and cleaned herself nicely, but she opened up her leg again in the process and bled a lot.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
At least she saw the easter bunny for the last time. T seems ok with putting her down. We're making phone calls. Mrs. Dm is hoping for a vet that can make a house call. Alice has stopped eating, so it might be over before we can make arrangements.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
The old stopped eating.
We have a mobile Euthanizer down here. They also take the pet off to be cremated.
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
To sleep, perchance to dream...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
It's been a bad year for pets. I can sympathize. At least your bunny didn't didn't die for better beauty products.

Who you going to get to scare the yard Ferals now?
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit
Just before I gave her a long drink of water and fed her some of her favorite treats (Loftys). We doped her up before administering the fatal shot. I petted her as her eyes lost focus, slipping into eternity. It was at home with S's cousin and one of her classmates who was also a vet.

Alice is now in wonderland.

T took it very well. She was sad but didn't shed a tear.

That night I couldn't sleep so I watched Heroes. The episode was about a new character, named Alice, with many references to Alice in Wonderland.

After work today I'll dig a hole and plant our Xmas tree over her. She liked to be under our redwood trees. I'm sure she'll enjoy the shade of our new Monterey Pine.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
...digging holes is a lot of work, mostly because when you reach a certain depth, you have to really bend over. It made me think how tough it would be to bury a human body. Especially a big one. Like a yeti. Or old Greg. That would take some planning...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Or a wood-chipper.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Don't give him any ideas. He's in a bad place. Maybe he could just look at your and my photos in his mag?
So much for the flickr badge idea. Dammit

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