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Mercury in Retrograde
This week was so merc.

I went to the Warner Bros press site and it required a new password, which was no big thing until it started demanding confirmation codes for every new terminal that logs on to it, regardless of having the user name and password. Sure, whatev, but then there's a power outage at TC which always takes my remote access offline. The TC IT, who also works remotely, usually fixes it the day that I ask him to do so - it's a quick fix apparently. But I text him and no response. It gets closer to deadline. Note that we see the screener on Wednesday night and have to have the review ready by Thursday so our graphic guy can get it prepped to drop on Friday. I always get the images to him early, but not this time. I reach out to the boss man, who also reaches out to our IT. Eventually, our IT responds telling me he got a new phone. He could've told us.

Staying at my mom's yesterday, I cranked up the heater only to triggered into an allergy attack that took me out for a few hours so I couldn't work on my work or prep the house for xmas when my mom will visit. We've rearranged things so I'm not exactly sure how I'll get her over that stupid chunk of stairs at the front door. I used to bring her through the garage, but that's now all blocked off by moved furniture and stored stuff. Poor planning on the part of the cleaning. I'm still stuffy from that allergy attack. One of my friends who I saw at Phil reached out to me to let me know that he contracted covid. I tested, just in case, and was negative. He went to 3 shows last weekend so that's on him.

Just now, I started uploading the January articles for YMAA. The person who preps these is the boss man's mom (why am I still working with boss men's moms?) and she can be really sloppy. I started working on the first article, correcting mistakes and such, and just as I finished, it crashed. I lost it all. Maybe a half hour of work (it was longer because she left me some red herrings by sending me the wrong files and such). 

Don't get me started on Hells Fukyu. Don't even.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Aoife just brought in a massive boar jawbone from the garden. I don't know where she got it. I don't know how it got into the garden. I've never seen it out there. Aoife does do a lot of digging....
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

That's worthy of an fb pic, no?

You should be happy it was a boar and not human...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
(12-22-2023, 09:40 AM)Drunk Monk Wrote: That's worthy of an fb pic, no?

You should be happy it was a boar and not human...

You thought I wouldn't put a picture of that up on FB? Do you even know me?

No human jaw bone yet.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm


that's a big bone.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
(12-21-2023, 04:33 PM)Drunk Monk Wrote: The person who preps these is the boss man's mom (why am I still working with boss men's moms?) and she can be really sloppy. I started working on the first article, correcting mistakes and such, and just as I finished, it crashed. I lost it all. Maybe a half hour of work (it was longer because she left me some red herrings by sending me the wrong files and such). 

I solved the bug - she gave me a file with a lot of gaps for Chinese (she doesn't read Chinese) and our website wouldn't accept that. I removed them all manually, but it's font issue which I tried to explain in a disdainful email but she won't understand. She has no skills in Chinese fonts or the inter webs. Of the remaining 4 articles, 1 had no graphic, 1 had a graphic that was unusable, but one was ok. The fourth article is mine, which I'll finish up later. 

My holiday was delayed and extra two hours due to this.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Did I mention our washing machine went out recently? We had a plumber clear our sink drain and in the process, our washing machine drain overflowed. He fixed it and then wanted to flush out the washing machine by running it but pressed a ton of buttons to make that happen and it went bonkers for a while. Seems better now.

We just had a power outage. I have a power buffer on my computer that gives me an extra half hour of life but the wifi is on a separate outlet and when that goes down, my work freezes. Now I’m listening to my power buffer beep like the countdown to a bomb, hoping my wifi is restored before I lose work.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
And we’re done. Hope my washing machine sorts out. It’s still behaving badly.

As for 2024:
  • December 13, 2023, to January 1, 2024
  • April 1 to April 24
  • August 4 to August 27
  • November 25 to December 15
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Just saw “Mercury in Gatorade or some absurd shit” and had to laugh…
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
(01-01-2024, 10:42 PM)Drunk Monk Wrote:
  • April 1 to April 24

April fools!
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Picked up the taxes from the accountant on 4/1 and saw that we got hit with a HUGE bill, by far the worst we've ever had. We got out of an investment fund that caused tax on gains even if you didn't sell shares (due to a tax law change a couple of years ago) so I knew we would owe since we sold everything in the fund, but no idea it would be this bad.

And I think we need a new accountant - ours never explains anything to us.
the hands that guide me are invisible
Ouch. Sorry to hear.

I'm worried about our taxes because we sold our house last year...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
YMAA's NH office had 12" last night and they are expecting 20+" within this 24 hour period. It knocked out power right in the middle of our 2nd telemeeting, and today was a big update for the website. Power was restored about a half hour later, but this delayed our update so our telemeet ran an hour overtime. 

I know, that doesn't sound too mercnret, but Stacy set the morning making this big ol' pot of soup, and the meeting ran well into my lunch time, so I was was smelling all this deliciousness, starving, and impatient. 

My consolation was that I could post this here and waste a minute of your time to read it.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Oh, that is sooooooo Merc-in-Ret! Such trials! Such woe! Surely it is the Will of the Uncaring Stars that caused your slight delay and pleasant lunch.

Woe! Woe and Ashes!
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Delaying a pleasant lunch is exactly the sort of thing that mere would mess with...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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