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Sheltering in Place
Dammit. I logged on to do a bit of work because Stacy is off doing some work and my Mac crashed hard. Lost a good hour+ of work, and it's still rebooting. I'm on my laptop now, still waiting... Feckn Mac.

I had a solid KF session this morning, but I realized that I need to prep more to get into the imminent Shaolin shuffle that starts Thursday.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Yoga, laundry & work. This week will be a Shaolin scramble, so I must do my best to get ahead.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I need to move the debris from the creek to the burn pile. That should be fun.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

I need to sleep late (check) and do fuck all (so far so good).
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Two YMAA telemeets, work to get ahead for the week, then I must go over early for some banking for my mom - Wells Fargo appt. Staying in svale tonight.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
It should be called hells Fargo. Over 2 1/2 hours and we’re still not sorted. Fml
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
And in the end, fail due to a computer glitch. A trouble ticket has been issued.

Wells Fuckho.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I believe there is a YMAA telemeet tomorrow at 8. A poll was sent out if we should move next week’s meeting to today, and everyone said ok but me. It always seems to go that way with polls there. Then after that, home to work. Then tonight I’m getting together with an iaido brother for drinks and crowd watching downtown. Happy Halloween!
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Work off this Halloween hangover, work, eat the pot of chili Stacy made, dog parkn (Twas dog beachn yesterday).
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I have two YMAA telemeets but I’m looking to weasel out of the second one because I got the intel on the Abbot’s visit to Meta today and they want me there at 11:30. Where in Meta has yet to be determined. Details are sketch - I got a schedule in Chinese but certain key facts like where are omitted. The tonight there’s a welcoming banquet. 

Once more into the Shaolin zone…
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Kewl. I hope you bring a photographer.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

I’m bringing my iPhone.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I’m now in Meta at the cafeteria with the Abbot, over a dozen monks, and some Chinese news reporters. Lunch was ok. The monks luv their cell phones. The abbot looks good, healthy, and reserved as always.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Happy Friday! I work until lunch when I’ll fry up some scallops that were delivered in our box by mistake (free!) then up to SF for the blessing of a new Shaolin center near to Tara’s apartment, then take Tara out to dinner to catch up (she’s been studying hard so we haven’t talked or texted as much as usual). 

Then Phil & Friends at the Fillmore.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
That was a weird two days. 

Today is Kung Fu, and then work - gotta make up for missing Thurs for the meta trip. I work tomorrow too because I swapped it for next Friday when I go to LA. Tonight I hope to catch up on Loki and the season finale of ST:TLD

Just had my nite Rx, my nite cheese (which I’ve been dreaming about sharing a bite with Yuki for the entire car ride home), and a shot of glendalough to take the edge off the post show glow. I’m gonna post some pix and crash. I can sleep in - just hope my circadians (and my dog) let me.

Officer Blowkowski (evil twin’s partner and partner of DMs alter ego officer Hookerz) posted a set list and filled in my gaps

(PITB > Bertha which we missed waiting in the 75 minute security in line.)
China Cat>
Briwn eyed
Ramble on
Tenn Jed >
PITB reprise

Help >
Slip >
E: Ripple (super upbeat arrangement)
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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