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Dog parkn @ Chanticleer 

Enjoying the sun
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Just popped awake and am now tweaking on the break in. We had a break in at our Fremont house back in 2008. That’s when we first got Jingles and we had left the sliding glass door ajar so he could go out in the yard. It was pinned with a rod so it could only open so far. But a skinny person must have gotten through. I remember some kid had come by - a door to door sales person - who I’m certain was casing the place in retrospect. That house was set up in a a way that there was no place for a dog door. Greg was in town and kindly cut a hole in the wall, introducing me to the glories of a sawzall.

It’s such a violation after a break in. I feel I cannot trust the house to be secure any more. It reminds me of how I felt after that 2008 break in, but a bit worse because I can’t be at my mom’s most of the time. 

Sliding glass doors are dumb.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I know the feeling on a slightly smaller scale from my multiple car break ins back at SFSU. I was filled with rage over the violation of my things. I just wanted to wait by the car and hope the thieves came back so I could exact retribution.

I don't suppose there is any way to put a renter in the house just so at least the place is consistently occupied?
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Is it time to sell? From what you've said before, you don't want to live there.
the hands that guide me are invisible
There's a slight chance that my mom may be able to return to the house. Emptying it for a renter will be a gargantuan task. We've discussed Tara living rent free there but now that she's registered for USF, that commute would be a lot.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
We (me, Stacy & Yuki) are at my mom's house for a few days while they paint our bungalow. Dodging those fumes. I'm skipping Iaido tonight because I don't care to drive to and fro, and I've just been tapped for a possible 4/20 show at UCSC next Thurs, which means 3 Thursdays in a row when I'll miss Iai. That's not right. 

Been trying to work on my YMAA stuff because my sales are way behind fior April so far but TC keeps butting in with TCEC stuff. So disruptive. Unfortunately some of the data needed I left on my Mac at home. That was sloppy of me but I'm still quite scattered and today's meetings were a pain.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Do you all have a "season" at YMAA? We're in our normal slow season now.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
So far, YMAA follows a normal retail season. Sales goals are set based on the previous year plus hope for some increased growth. The big boss is SNW lured by sales stats, which is somewhat refreshing because both Tiger Claw and WLE were so ‘seat of the pants’ when it came to sales and stock. But is also annoying because an inordinate amount of telemeet time is spent on predictive stats and the pandemic skewed everything so that data is inconclusive. Beyond typical retail seasons, there’s new title releases - both book & video, that drive some sales bumps. During my pandemic watch, there’s been a push towards hardcover editions of old titles, which has been aimed at the library market which is astonishingly lucrative. 

It’s 10 mins to 4:20’am but I’m going to finish this post prematurely….
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Woke up at 4:19 because I had to pee.
the hands that guide me are invisible
I was up a bit earlier for the same reason but I counted myself lucky as this was the first wake-up of the evening. I felt like I got a lot of sleep.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Got a good solid few sleep cycles in. Snapped awake just now. TCEC played havoc on my circadians.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Slowly chugging along with random work tasks and follow up for TCEC. Clearly I can't manage difficult tasks right now. I catch myself staring off into space a lot. 

Bailed on laundry but I suppose there's still time...

Our dog walkers picked up Yuki just now.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Dog parkn @ star

Such a lovely day in the Cruz 

Another day in paradise.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Yuki's dog walkers just picked him up for the hour. He's so gleeful when he sees them. 

I've finished my work for the day. Maybe I should pack more for CR? Maybe I should nibble at my next TCEC report installment? Of maybe I should just chill for a bit and eat some cheese. Just got a fresh chunk of organic Rumiano MoJack. It was on sale. I shoulda bought two chunks. Maybe drink some whiskey?
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Eat cheese & Sin
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.

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