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It's my martial arts world
As some of you saw, I posted a picture of Master Tu on FB. I tagged Mrs. Master Tu because she likes those things. Naturally, she shared the post on her Chinese language pages. I hit the translate button on her post to see what she said. The translate came back with this:

"A thousand and a hundred thousand and a thousand and a thousand seven seven seven seven seven five seven seven seven seven eight seven seven seven seven four seven seven seven seven thousand seven seven seven eight eight seven seven seven five hundred seven seven seven seven hundred seven seven seven eight five seven seven seven five eight seven seven seven eight!"

Very helpful.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

DM - you ever cross paths with this guy?

San Jose Martial Arts Instructor Arrested on Child Molestation Charges
the hands that guide me are invisible
Nope. I didn't deal with the TKD circles so much. But I will add it to this:

The worst was when Tara's instructor, a personal friend, got busted for molestation. He was never alone with my daughter but that really shook my confidence because I pride myself on being able to read martial arts peeps - I've built my career on that skill - and this guy had me fully duped. That's the thing with the real pedos - they are masters of manipulation.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Fencing question - Christina is going to give her foils to a client's son who is starting to fence. But that made me wonder - are the blades all the same length for everyone? Wouldn't want to give him a lady's too short weapons.
the hands that guide me are invisible
Free foils are the best foils. Also, all adults use the same length (#5). How old is the kid? Youth (under 10 y.o. use shorter, #2 length, blades. Otherwise #5 length is the standard.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
He's in high school, about my height. She's 5'3" which made me think about it. I think you set up the weapons.
the hands that guide me are invisible
I prolly did. These foils should work fine for a high school human. The mask might fit him as well.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Why didn't DM write this?

House of Ninjas coming to Netflix.

Quote:[b]Netflix has announced an upcoming Japanese drama series about the last remaining ninja family.[/b]
The show, titled “House of Ninjas,” is based on a story written by actor Kento Kaku, director Yoshiaki Murao and writer/actor Takafumi Imai, with a screenplay by Yamaura Masahiro, Oura Kota, Kimura Kanna and filmmaker Dave Boyle. 
Set in present-day Japan, the show tells the story of the Tawara family, which had previously abandoned its ninja roots but now must “take on the greatest crisis in Japanese history, one that threatens to shake the nation to its core.”
Boyle, who is known for casting Asian and Asian American actors in his projects (“Big Dreams, Little Tokyo,” “White on Rice,” Surrogate Valentine” and “Man from Reno”), will also direct the series.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Yeah I heard about that but it’s not coming until next year. Maybe I’ll write about it then.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Well, shoot. How come we never had Tom Hardy at Tiger Claw tournaments? Surely, you could have thrown in some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, right?

Quote:[Image: 7bb6ce4de4ee6caf4b0009858b66e250]
Hardy surprised competitors and spectators by competing in and winning the 2022 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Open Championship in Milton Keynes - Sean Rosborough / SWNS

Tom Hardy surprised locals in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, after he turned up to take part in a martial arts tournament held over the weekend.
The Hollywood star entered to compete in the 2022 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Open Championship, held at Oakgrove School, and he ended up as the outright winner in his section.
Hardy, known for his hardman roles in Mad Max, The Dark Knight Rises as well as blockbuster hits like Venom, is a high-level Blue Belt in Jiu-Jitsu.
The event was organised by Ultimate Martial Arts Championships, and their spokesman said the world-famous actor is “a really nice guy”.
"Everyone recognised him but he was very humble and was happy to take time out for people to take photographs with him. It was a real pleasure to have him compete at our event," he added.
[Image: 1773e63c71c864ebc0d5bd5823a6f2f1]
Hardy is a high-level Blue Belt in Jiu-Jitsu - Sean Rosborough / SWNS

[Image: 42e093d2d1e9c511abc914f3770643ac]
Hardy fought in last year's competition and won two golds - Sean Rosborough / SWNS

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a self-defence martial art and combat sport which involves grappling, ground fighting and submission holds.
The aim is to take an opponent to the ground, control them and force them into submission using joint locks or chokeholds.
Andy Leatherland, a sales manager and blue belt, met the famed actor in the final of the competition and said he entered the local event after realising he might be there.
The 42-year-old said: "I knew he fought in the last competition locally and won two golds, and I knew at that point that I fitted into his category - I was the same age, belt and weight as him.
"We used to joke that if he was to fight, I would be the one to fight him, but I didn't think anything of it.
"I was contemplating the Milton Keynes tournament as it was very local. And then one morning - he goes by the name Edward Hardy - I saw that he'd actually signed up."
The father-of-one was told the day before the competition that he would only fight Hardy if they came face to face in the final or the bronze level match.
[Image: fbd4419efe52476bcf7ded325811831e]
Hardy started to learn martial arts for his role in the film Warrior in 2011 - Sean Rosborough / SWNS

He said: “On the day, he won his first and second match, so I ended up meeting him in the final.
"Lining up, he was very focused. The intensity that he brought to his movie roles, he brought that. He didn't say a word, he didn't say anything.
"When it came to the match, you couldn't help notice that it's him, but then it just became a competition.
"I made a mistake and he capitalised on that. He absolutely nailed it, and he subbed me, and it was over relatively quickly."
Mr Leatherland added that Hardy was "absolutely sound" when they chatted after the fight and that the action star even admitted that he found the martial arts competitions "nerve-wracking".
Last month 45-year-old Hardy caused similar excitement when he turned up unannounced at the charity REORG Open Jiu-Jitsu Championship in Wolverhampton to raise money for military personnel and first responders dealing with mental and physical issues.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Saw that. Imagine losing to him. 

We did run a small BJJ sub-tournament one year. It was run by one of our phone guys who was a BJJ guy. But he didn't have the network yet so it was small, like one school (the one he attended). He went on to be very active in BJJ after he left TC - we're still in touch via fb.

Note - if you pronounce BJJ like V-jayjay, BJJers get annoyed.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
My old trainer was into BJJ. He had a cauliflower ear from it. Finally he kind of stepped back from it after a tendon repair in his elbow. I remember him saying that it's common to get fungal infections because they don't clean the mats.
the hands that guide me are invisible
Fungal infections are a problem in yoga too because of the mats, which is why so many bring their own mats.

Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I thought it was Segal who sucked at martial arts. It's Van Damme too?
the hands that guide me are invisible
It doesn't look like he kicked him that hard. I think Garbrandt is an attention-seeking whiner. 

I used to hate JCVD because he was too pretty. 

JCVD changed that

Also recommend Jean-Claude Van Johnson, which is mentioned later on that thread.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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