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Kung Fu reboot on the CW
She's not a close friend. More of an acquaintance. But we've kept in contact over social media. 

It's awkward because I'm happy she got the gig but... well who knows? Maybe this next ep will be the best one...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Oh, sweet summer child.....
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

And you'll have someone to blame
the hands that guide me are invisible
Well, I will say that it was a better written episode. It had more progress for all of the characters. But the show still suffers from CW soap opera cliches and the unforgivable crime of crappy Kung Fu.

Something weird was going on with Tzi Ma’s lips - like nasty herpes. He’s such a panda dad in this that I can’t stand it.

The villains are the best characters. Not because they’re developed or anything. They just have the coolest outfits.

Nicki says ‘Damn’ and there’s even a comment on her bad language.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
E10 wasn’t entirely bad choreo-wise. It wasn’t great - don’t even get me started on that morning star meteor hammer ball - but the fights were more in focus and dare I say? More interesting.

The acting is still painfully stilted but the cast is clearly being directed under the scrutinized watch of th CW formula overloads. 

There’s another Ep available but I’ll save it. I cant endure two in a row. A man’s got to know his limitations.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
E11: only one Kung Fu scene. The CWness of this shows is off the charts. So stilted. I can only take so much cliched behavior until I’m relieved by the commercial breaks.

So much wrong about the 8 weapons, but the villianess has them all now. 

And Ludi is done. After all that, he only delivered one fight scene in the previous Ep. What a waste of talent.

I think next Ep is the season finale.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
You are in my prayers.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Then this happened...

Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Watched the finale. 


Like srsly, I fell asleep. 

The finale = silly. The main story arc concluded and there's allusions to where the next season might go. It went full on super powers with flying and green qi blasts. 

The thing that bugged me most was that the Shaolin nuns were armed with wushu spears. Have you seen wushu spearheads? I've got pointier letter openers. 

Not sure if I'll check in with season 2. I'm not sure why I bothered to stick with this for the whole season. It's really disappointing.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
You must be super excited.

As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

By 'you' you mean me, right?

Oh yeah. hella excited. 

[Image: ?]

thx for the share - poached for Kfm.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I live to serve.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm


Next week...oh joy...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
S2e1 had more fights than usual. Everyone seems more comfortable in their skin. But it's still hecka dumb in that CW way and wow, the CW site inserts way more ads, more than I remember in broadcast TV.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
E2 went back to the usual amount of fights and cw pretty faces. I do like the new character Mia. She’s a hawt pretty face. Still dumb tho. Unimpressed
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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