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A true Flaneur can do both.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
I can’t even sleep when I’m supposed to

Case and point

Do both...if only
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
NorCham finishing up a few things. About to head to Kung Fu to try my new swords.

I got some terrible news today. Master Peter Chan had a brain aneurysm last night. He's in ICU and they are waiting for his son to fly in before they pull the plug. He's already brain dead. 

Greg, you surely photographed Peter. He always judged at TCEC. He was an odd one - his accent often made him to appear kind of slow. But he was well loved by the community and generous with contributing his time. I spoke with Master David DeJesus, who is a very good friend of Peter's, and another stalwart TCEC judge. Peter was always helping out Master Chiu Chi Ling.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Oh no. He was with CCL, wasn't he?
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Yep. Always stood right in front of the lion dance, spoiling photo ops.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
That's terrible. Very young.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Srsly? I need to take some melatonin tomorrow or something.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Girl in Red sings a pean to Melatonin....
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Our happy place
Yuki scared off two bigger poodles. They were having fun but their owners were intimidated by Yuki even though he was less than half their size.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
NorCham after a long Thurs of work. Thurs are my heavy work days now. It's a weird rhythm but it lines up the weekends well, even though I work then too.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
A tad late but I popped awake chilly after an odd dream. Pulled the covers up and tried to get back to sleep without checking my phone. Muffed it. Still chilly. The change in the weather...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
ChantDP: FreDP is closed for restoration for the month. Yuki is making new friends.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

Surrounded by pups (Bottles is visiting)

Enjoyed cleaning that jian. It’s a beauty, an old skool HK piece with solid cast brassy fittings. A decent tang welded to a chromed blade. Just need to fix and wrap that handle. I’ve got some extra hockey stick tape. There’s something meditative about cleaning swords that I’ve always enjoyed.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
(10-23-2021, 04:19 PM)Drunk Monk Wrote: There’s something meditative about cleaning swords that I’ve always enjoyed.

<image of DM quietly preparing for battle>

(10-23-2021, 04:19 PM)Drunk Monk Wrote: There’s something meditative about cleaning swords that I’ve always enjoyed.

Not a euphemism

(10-23-2021, 04:28 PM)thatguy Wrote: <image of DM quietly preparing for battle>

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