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FreDP: none of Yuki’s pack is here now, but there are plenty of dogs. Yuki is trying to find a good sparring partner...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
@metreon waiting for a 420 conspirator who’s late.

Cuz 420...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Summertime, come and gone, my oh my
the hands that guide me are invisible
FreDP: Hot today. None of Yuki’s pack here yet. He’s looking for them. 

I’m just relaxing. It’s been a long week. I still have an evenings worth of work that needs attention.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Just popped awake just now. This is kinda why I started this thread. It used to happen to me a lot at this hour, which strangely amuses me. Now it’s just more grist for the D00M mill...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
UTerrDP. We started at FreDP but Yuki made this little dog help so we’ve moved. It was a bummer because it was a live music day and there was a 5 person acapella group that was pleasing. 

I’ve got little done today. Having some dizzy spells and took a nap.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Back at FreDP - the pack is all here and all is right with the world.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Man, I’ve not been sleeping well lately. There’s been a succession of wired stressors and I’ve not been indulging in nitecaps. This needs to change.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
FreDP: There’s signs posted that the dog park will be closed for over a month in two weeks. They claim they are fixing the grass. We’re all chatting about where we will migrate. It’s a bummer. The other parks are farther away and not as accommodating.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
And here we are again

Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Maybe Yuki needs a walk?
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Probably, but I'm at my mom's. Yuki is over 30 miles away...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I have found it is possible to do a dog walk without a dog present. The technical term is 'walking'.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Ambling, meandering, wandering, peregrinating...
the hands that guide me are invisible
I don't need a walk...

...I need a nap.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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