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The Barber of Seville - SF Opera Drive-in @ Marin Center
Very surreal & chilly. Translated into English with supertitles. 

$250 per car for the live stage. $50 per car on the nearby Jumbotron.

Acoustics suck. I can hear the highway and the honking geese from the lagoon. 

2 RM stations, crew of 6 + director.

Patrons were given glow sticks to wave instead of applause. Some honk their car horns.

Oh a car alarm!

I’m stationed way in the back in a pop up with a heat lamp. I’m about a dozen car lengths from stage but can still hear the singers unamplified. Impressive.

People in their cars are listening to the fm radio broadcast except for Teslas. Those power out automatically which cuts the radio. They have to borrow a radio from the venue which are supplied in exchange for Ids.

Concessions were prepurchased and picked up thru drive thru. Ticket buyers also got cool opera masks.  

It’s a modern retelling with covid themes. 

One convertible has a party in pirate costumes.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
That was fun. Glad I went.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Two afterthoughts

It was the 9 year anniversary of the passing of our previous director Wes. Lost him to cancer.

RMs Director is on-site for nearly 60 days because the SF opera has never done anything like this so steel (set up) started in late March. Rm charged $68k. Our director had repurposed himself ad a CCO (chief covid Officer) in the music industry and has done more travel last year than ever. He’s been working for video shoots and such for Dolly Parton, Billie Eilish and others. He talked about taking me to Life is Beautiful this year. There’s are more shows coming - planned for August and onward. We agreed that physical psych restraint is done underneath covid.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
(04-24-2021, 08:20 PM)Drunk Monk Wrote: People in their cars are listening to the fm radio broadcast except for Teslas. Those power out automatically which cuts the radio. They have to borrow a radio from the venue which are supplied in exchange for Ids.

Are you kidding me? He can put a Tesla in orbit around then sun (I guess technically, they all are), but he can’t make the radio stay on?!?
I know, right? We were all having a good chuckle over that. I'm sure once word gets back to Elon, he'll send out an update app to fix it. 

There were a lot of Teslas. Lots of BMWs and high end SUVs too.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
One more thought that the Yeti just triggered over IV

At one point, an actor waved what I thought was a sword while discussing fighting so I rushed up to get a better look. But I was too slow and my eyes are too dim now so I couldn’t confirm it.

I mentioned to my fellow vols that I had made swords for the opera (semi-true - the Armoury worked on their swords almost every season so I may have worked on some of theirs). This elicited that stunned look I often get from commoners when I talk about my sword career. My director, who knows more about my background since we’ve known each other for decades, looked amused and impressed, which is the only responses I hope to elicit from him nowadays. We’ll see if he really comes through for Vegas.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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