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NorCham - finished the heavy lifting for Den and KFM. I have a few more KFM tasks that I'll finish, then watch some YMAA vids. 

But first, snack time.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Chanticleer DP. We’ve been avoiding this DP because it’s been so sunny but it’s overcast today. Yuki is having a blast playing keep away & tug of war with a stick and a border collie named daisy.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
There’s another DP on Prospect Heights and Pacheco. It’s right below De Laveaga. In fact, that used to be one of the entrances the Park and Zoo that was at the top of the hill around the turn of the last century. They used to film silent movies in the area (Zasu Pitts house is next to the Nickelodeon) and I think that’s where the exotic animals hung out. There’s still remnants of the stone wall there with gas lamps. 

You can also catch the fire trail there for a nice hike towards Chaminade. 


More reading:
Pow 4:22 am
What an intense concert dream
Feeling that call...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Soon come.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Between two JAH Med teleconferences. I was going to take Yuki out to FreDP but the window is too narrow so I bailed. Besides he's napping now. 

It's time for a snack.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
NoCham back from FreDP. Lovely day. Yuki had a grand time wrasslin with dogs 2-4X his size. He's covered in spittle and dirt now, but it'll brush out. Need to brush him anyway because he's shedding. 

I'm told my Shang-Chi quickie is live already.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
It's up. I read it? Did you crib from Mr. Patrick?

No dig at Iron Fist?

I'm curious what they are going to do with Kingsley, if anything at all.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

(hijacking this thread)
Apple hosted a 420 event today, but it turned out to be about something else...The only green they were interested in is your money.
"High" - lights:

- Your kids and family can now start spending $$ w/your Apple Card

- The new iMac is a unicorn. It comes in 7 colors. 

- AirTags will make you stop losing your shit.

- The new iPad is amazing.

- They finally fixed the remote for the Apple TV

ChanticleerDP. It’s chilly today. I don’t like it.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
NoCha post ChanticleerDP. Only two other dogs at the park so Yukz didn't get the exercise he needed and might wake us up barking tonight like he often does. Still chilly. Kind of a downer.

Back chipping on some KFM art and YMAA correspondences.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
NoCha postChantDP: It started to rain so we bailed but Yuki had plenty of good play time already. Now back to some research and writing, plus a nice warm snack.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
@mom's. Heading out to grab dinner next.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
And we're back. Twas a day in San Jose, dog parking, while Stacy saw to her appointments. Now I got to get back to today's work...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
ChantDP - what a lovely day.
Yukz is playing tug of war with a big black Shepard sand winning a lot.
Just came back from downtown - lunch with a local master at 11th hour and a stroll of the mall. Felt kinda normal
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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