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Just now breaking out the Nite Cheese ™ and a post-prandial (decaf) coffee. Biz at the shop has gone from “gone’ to “gone CRAZY” Parents are happy, nay *giddy* with the idea of sacrificing their kids on the Altar of Pestilence by sending them out to tournaments again.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Good to hear that business has picked up. TC is the same only now they have supply problems. Some of the manufacturers went belly up - no PPP in PRC. 

I messed up my timing today and ate late. I'm about to head out to the bank to transfer my last bit of EDD money into checking, then head over to Kung Fu for the reopened Thursday night practices, but I must cut out early to get home for that interview with Joe Taslim. I suspect he's in Indonesia.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Dammit - I came here to add to this thread but I've missed my window (I like to be within 20 mins of 4:20). I got distracted replying to KB's posts. Maybe I need to search 'octopus spanking gif' again.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Just back from a rousing Easter dog wrassle at FreDP. Yuki v. a pit-lab and some shepherd mix. They had a grand time. 

I've been noodling about today, mostly prepping stuff for the week and trying to get my damn printer online so I can get some ink. There's this subscription program that sounds great and the enrollment instructions are simple enough, only those instructions have little bearing upon reality. None of the buttons are where they should be and my printer says I'm good to go while the subscription site keeps sending me in circles. I've been working on this for a few days. I chip at it until I get angry and have to walk away before I break something. Making slow progress. Just one more step and I think I'm good to go...

Unfortunately my ink is already going and I needed to print out my questions for tomorrow's interviews. 

Joining the Borg looks so easy but no. Resistance is futile but logging in is a pain in the ass.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
TQ bought a dedicated printer that orders the ink when the levels get low.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Yeah, that's what I got. Unfortunately, the HP service doesn't want to talk to my printer even though all systems are go on said printer. I gave up on the subscription and just bought some regular refills. I'm annoyed that the printer came with the minimum ink cartridges, teased me with this dumb subscription program, then wouldn't let me have it, costing me several hours of anguish tying to get to the right place on the tiny 2x3" touch screen and just going around in circles for hours. 

The Borg is just fucking with us now.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
An am post here. Just popped awake randomly and then remembered I left the dog treats & bags in my pocket so I got up to remove them.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
NorChamb - Been chipping on another product review today. It's due on Thursday but I got most of the heavy lifting done today. I'm thinking of shifting over to another piece for KFM - the one on LK Chen swords.

Right now, I have due 2 YMAA product reviews, 2 KFM interviews (a 3rd is done - just waiting for pix), for Den 3 interviews (waiting on interviews/transcriptions) and a best of update, and 1 piece for UNESCO. That's kind of a lot for me but I bounce back and forth between them all, chipping at what I can to keep it fresh, prioritizing the closer deadlines. I do miss the days when all I had to worry about was KFM & KFTC. It's a lot more mental gear shifting and my transmission is cranky nowadays.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
@ mom's overhearing ellen.

got my closest deadline product review done for ymaa - i'll submit it tomorrow after one more polish. 

suddenly, jah med is back in the mix...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Just back from freDP where Yuki had a blast with his new gf Mavy, the pit/rhodesian ridgeback mutt. 

Now I have to tuck in for the Japan interview in an hour and a half, plus deal with some miscellaneous other tasks.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Today was exhausting. Thursdays are like my real work days. I have a lot of YMAA (telechats) & Den (5 pieces due - 2 for Mortal K, 2 for Yasuke and 1 new one for Monkey Prince). Plus I had to deal with my mom's health care and taxes, plus our own taxes. 

I'm feeling ...


Off to practice. A little Kung Fu will set me straight.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Literally popped awake to see my bedside clock at that dread time of 4:20.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
NorCham post FreDP.

Got my geek on high today. Really got groovy writing my Yasuke pieces and hope to have them done tonight. The interview with Yang & Chang went really well. It was good to reconnect with my namesake Gene Yang. He's from the Bay Area and we did a lot to promote his early indie comics. Now he's the big man on campus at DC. Geek just pitched me a really unique connection - don't touch that dial! This one might  

Now back to Yasuke.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
We're in "Fast Forward to the Cliffhanger" land...
I'm nobody's pony.
Tell me about it. We’ll see if it comes to fruition. Fingers crossed. Don’t wanna jinx it.

At FredDP - there was live jazz here for a bit - playing off the back of a flatbed. About 30 people hanging out - socially distanced. It was nice.

Such a gorgeous day today. Sunny with that delicious cool ocean breeze. The dogs are having a fun romp.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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