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Kung Fu reboot on the CW
Might as well add it to the pile of things I'm already sorry for.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

It's been forever since I've seen that opening. I kinda forgot it. So thanks for making me dig that up for you. Srsly, it gave me a good chuckle to watch that again. 

I watched every episode of the original series. Despite Carradine's awful Kung Fu and acting, there were some well written episodes and it was groundbreaking in many ways. 

I could hardly stomach the reboot. I'm not sure how many of those episodes I watched. Not many. 

I got the soundtrack CD as some sort of promo or something. I listened to it once, and stowed it. I'm going to dig it out right now and throw it in the car for this week. 

The new series is poised to capitalize on #stopasianhate, which is a very emotionally charged issue for me as you might imagine. It's really hard to see this show clearly in that light. Obvs I'm all for representation, even more so when Kung Fu is involved because it feeds the industry of my livelihood. I'm eager to hear what the general reaction to it is.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Y'all can watch the pilot for free on CW's site. 

A reader shared something I missed on my Den piece. I'm impressed.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I forgot to tape it. I hate to miss the awesomeness.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

(04-08-2021, 02:41 PM)Greg Wrote: I forgot to tape it. I hate to miss the awesomeness.


(04-08-2021, 09:43 AM)Drunk Monk Wrote: Y'all can watch the pilot for free on CW's site. 
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Wow. Just wow. The blessing is that this show is so awful it's really easy to pick it apart.

"You make the path you live." "Never stand in the way of Destiny" "Anger has no obstacle"

I'm guessing they were eating fortune cookies when they were looking for pithy ancient Chinese Wisdom.

It's a full on CW show with young pretty people with all sorts of emotional problems. Plus, who runs away in their twenties? Don't they just leave home?

Did it look like they opened the Shaolin Temple about a week ago. The whole place seemed to have that new car smell. From a production design standpoint, the whole thing looked to clean and fresh from the outfits to the buildings. At first I thought they had done the shooting for the Shaolin Temple at the Huntington Museum in SoCal because there were a lot of similarities but as the show unfolded, I realized it was shot in Vancouver. It bugs me they didn't do a better job of faking San Francisco. None of the exteriors and street scenes looked at all like SF, especially wherever the family home was located. I grant you that this is only a problem for people familiar for people from San Francisco. But I love the one shot where they are walking along the shore looking back at SF which could only possibly be from underneath the Bay Bridge. And I like the oil storage facility they have down at the docks.

It also felt like they opened up the big book of cliches to write the plot. Restaurant owner gets in deep with Gang Leader. Mystic Swords. Crusading DA. Tiger Mom. Computer Savvy but good looking woman. It's all there.

To show I do pay attention, I did realize that the Tiger Mom also played the mom in Crazy Rich Asians.

I might forget to tape this show again.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Thank you Greg, for sharing my pain. 

Ep 2 tomorrow! yay?
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Well, that was a pivot. 

I take back what I said. I didn't foresee it going this direction. 

Sammo cameo? Are you kidding me?! And that nunchuck scene was off the hook. Still no sword fights but forgivable now. Very impressive. Who'd a thunk?

It was quite different then the pilot but I think you still need to see the pilot first to give it context.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Okay. I went to record this yesterday and it wasn't on the schedule. Very confused.

Okay. I thought on the website it saiid it was a Thursday show. Turns out it is a Wednesday show.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

You live on a throne of lies. That was terrible. Were you watching a different show? Lucy continues her dominance......

How empty is the idea barrel if you start with a takeout dream sequence? And we do the whole bridesmaids schtick? At least we had more pithy pearls of wisdom: Fear is the death of mindfulness.

I think my favorite paying lip service to the fact we are in San Francisco is the cable car running by the restaurant that had rubber tires.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Sorry my bad. In my post Moderna haze I got confused and reviewed Enter the Dragon instead of Kung Fu

Yeah, this show continues being a CW caricature. The fight scenes are terrible. When Nikki was practicing in the park, it was really bad Chen Taiji, not Shaolin. Her master’s stupa is already aged like it’s been there for centuries, and who places a stupa at the water’s edge? Especially in scenic Guilin. 

I did notice one subtle Easter egg. Nikki’s brown jacket and shoulder bag echoes what a Caine wore.

The show continues to get props as an azn show and I do like any scenes with Tzi Ma. I think these people giving props aren't even watching it. They just want to be PC. Asians are suffering racist attacks here and in the U.K. and all we get as compensation is this crappy show? Gawddammit. 

Thankfully, Warrior got renewed and Mortal Kombat is next week. That’ll be some better representation with far better choreo.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I did like seeing the Stupa but it was in awkward place

Would you look at the easter egg line. It doesn't track. What wine wore what?

I do like Tzi Ma but he seems to be a really weak character. I think Kheng Hua-Tan is the only person giving their character any subtlety or nuance but she's still just a caricature at this point. Although that is true of everyone in the show.

And how are we hunting Zhilan in Asia from San Francisco despite the very helpful friend at the ambassador's residence.....
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Caine not wine. Fixed that. Stupik spelchuck.

Tzi Ma has been playing the azn dad for so long now that he just shows up and is the azn dad. It’s another oversight that they play go. Go is played in China but is more generated in Japan. They should be playing xiangqi (elephant chess) which is far more Chinese. I’m tempted to pitch a piece to Den on inaccuracies like this but I’ve already got too many other Den pieces due.

It’s a really vacuous show. And I really don’t like the lead actress. She has little range and no Kung fu. 

But still I feel obligated to watch.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
The Generic Asian female. The sister has much more personality.

Maybe they should have someone besides Berlanti do a CW show?

That being said, it's got fair reviews and good ratings.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

The good reviews feel like reviewers trying to be PC to me. It’s got that CW formula and seems to have an audience. I would’ve panned it completely if not for the CW factor and #stopasianhate. Now it’s awkward to rant about its shortcomings, especially so because I know one of the writers, a fellow reporter I met in the Badlands. 

An old KF brother of mine commented that the pilot was the same as Supergirl. I enjoyed that series in the beginning - it even mocked CW until it went over to CW.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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