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In the NoChamber after getting slightly rained upon at Frederick DP. It was disappointing because only a few dogs showed, probably due to the weather or the time change.

Been lagging with YMAA tasks, but cleared TC. Waiting for the press junket for MK for Den. I downloaded a provided MK background but we'll see if I can get it to work on Zoom for this panel thing. Got a form email from James Wan about MK. I think my NDA expired an hour ago, but I'm going to hold off on posting anything until the interviews are successfully captured.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
In bed. I took a hot epsom salt bath to alleviate my post-vax shoulder pain and fell asleep immediately after. I got up hoping to get on with my work day, but my brain is a basket of fuzz. Stacy is cleaning to prep for a carpet cleaner tomorrow (our bungalow carpets were stained when we moved in and Yuki hasn’t helped) and I can’t focus with the commotion. 

The vax + the time change + the rain = I’m done for today.

Maybe I’ll try again later after the sun goes down.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Back in bed. I feel fine. It’s just that we had our carpets cleaned so all the windows are open so they cane dry and it got cold. The furniture is all in disarray for the cleaning and drying, which has made our tiny bungalow into a Tetris game. So I’ve tucked into my room, where only one small spot was cleaned, turned the heater on full blast on top of it, and am back in bed. Maybe I’ll read... or nap.

Who am I kidding? Nap
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Working in the North Chamber on that Den interview. It's finally starting to flow. The weather is nice so the back door is open. 

Stacy is seeing some private clients today so it's me and Yuki, but we took him for a long hike at Henry Cowell, the pipeline trail - a fire road (leashed dogs are only allowed on fire roads in this state park). Stacy had taken him to Rio Del Mar this morning. Where else can a puppy run on the beach and hike through the redwood groves all before lunch? Yuki is living his best life. And now, he's enjoying a good deep puppy nap.

I was reading one of Den's print issues and saw an interview done in a Q&A format. That would've been so much easier than turning the interview into prose peppered with pull quotes. That's the way I do all my KFM interviews now. But I'm already committed to the format as is, and it's the first time I'm working with this print editor, so best to stick to their more conventional format. 

Listening to KFJC - Spliff Skankin's mighty show. It's a lot of Bunny, Burning Spear, and now Scratch. He's droppin those roots, those deep roots I love so much.  And it's "that dread dread time, a time to pause, a pause to refresh. I hope you have your refreshments ready."
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
North Chamber. 

Finished that Den piece from the weekend and got a good bite out of the next one. Noodled with some other random tasks. 

Yuki is clean for a few hours. Super soft fur and nice smelling. I'm gonna just snuggle with him. We're not letting him out because he's been aggressive to the other dogs in the yard, plus we want him to stay clean for a few more hours.

Time for a snack.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
When is it time for Nite Cheese ™?
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Well, any time at all is the time for milk, and it’s always night somewhere so...

Nite cheese is for nite time. When the sun is up, it’s day cheese. 

I can’t speak to milk time anymore. I’m lactose intolerant.

At Frederick DP. Yuki is having some good runs. I hadn’t brought him since his bath because I wanted him to stay clean for a bit but that can only ever last so long...

An old golden retriever just took a huge dump right in front of me. I’m not taking it personally. Dog park life. The owner is bagging it up.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Just back from FredDP. Yuki had some pleasant play and ran about a bit. There was a tri-pawed pup that was a little smaller than him and Yuki played so nicely with him, letting him win and giving him his belly. Very gentle. He knew.

Just had some crackers, hummus & day cheese and am now ready to work some more.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Nice. Just got back to the cave (10pm). Did the shop/club routine and had a surprise West Berkeley Fencers with Scotch zoom meeting afterwards. Cooking dinner now. It was a lovely day out and a fine starry night now.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
(03-26-2021, 10:34 PM)Dr. Ivor Yeti Wrote: It was a lovely day out and a fine starry night now.

Tonight is the worm super moon. Should be even nicer.

Well, Yuki & I walked to FredDP but it was a bit of a bust. There’s this disabled kid that comes to the park with his family. I’ve seen him before. He has some developmental issues but I’m not sure what they are specifically. He decided to chase Yuki about which confused Yuki because the kid is awkward when he runs. They were circling around my chair until I got fed up because the kid was way inside my 6’ zone and unmasked. Then another dog barfed and Yuki wanted it. It became ‘high value’ as the trainers say, so he got agro with any dogs that came by, and with me when I went to leash him. So we came home early. But we had a good 2 hour long walk on the beach this morning so hopefully he got enough. 

Now I'm watching some Wondercon@home panels because I was researching Kung Fu (the new CW show) and sorta fell into it. I need to get back to writing.

A local accomplice got wind that I've got the bungalow to myself and said he'd bring something by - I kinda hope he doesn't. I don't need that temptation right now.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Jut got back from FredDP. That disabled kid was there again and he followed Yuki around some more but not for long. That’s a little awkward. Yuks had fun with Kona, one of his frequent playmates, a much bigger dog that dominates by grabbing his harness but Yuki don’t care. He keeps coming back for more.

 It was really hot - like summer.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
NorChamb - been hustlin YMAA stuff most of the day, plus sorting a little KFM. Yuki had a fine time at FreDP and got really dirty but I brushed him clean. My family should be home soon. I need to borrow one of their phones to watch a screener for Mortal Kombat...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
The wormy super-moon was super lovely.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
NorCham: At Black Bear to pick up my mom’s pot roast. I get a veggie burger. I usually feel terrible after - too much grease, way over my allotted carbs, but they do a crappy job on fish.

Feeling burnt out. I’ll probably turn in early tonight.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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