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DM's quest for work
Wouldn't your rather just read my next Warrior episode review?
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Nothing should stand between us and Sandman Slim
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

(10-28-2020, 05:09 AM)Greg Wrote: Nothing should stand between us and Sandman Slim

whatevs bro.

DM now has an official YMAA email. Mind you, he had an official 5BU email too for like 3 months. But it's a good thing, a step in the right direction. Enjoying the work there. There's a lot I can do. It makes good use of a lot of old skills.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Excellent. I'm sticking with the gmail and the kfm emails.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Or here.

I spend most of my time here. 

[Image: 8530]
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Son, you need to get out more. (Says the man who is also always here)
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

lf only there wasn't this damn pandemic, I would (replies the other man who is always here).
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
This sounds like outtakes from Waiting for Godot...

EDD is another level of hell...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
(10-29-2020, 03:18 PM)Greg Wrote: Son, you need to get out more. (Says the man who is also always here)

So we got out. We're here in Mammoth, sheltering in place in our little cabin, celebrating Tara's 21st. Tara is still in school but it's all distant so she can still attend. I'm still juggling jobs but it's also distant. 

Today I was going to upload some vids for the KFM online tournament and go to a short meeting with PGW for YMAA. Well, YouTube locked me out because I'm not accessing it from the 'same location'. WTF?! So there was a massive scramble to get that sorted (the KFM YouTube channel is messed up in terms of managing) and it took my whole morning. In the end, I had to tap Patrick, who was among the laid off, to step back and upload them. That's done. Good save. I owe him another one.

Then there was the PGW meeting which was followed up immediately by a phone call from the boss. It was a good chance to talk to him but that short meeting expanded to just under an hour.

I thought I was on vacation, but I guess you need a job to be on vacation. When you don't have a job, instead you have four, you never get vacations. 

No rest.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Earlier this week, I was drifting a bit, pondering where I might find my next bit of work. 

Now I've got 4 assorted articles due for YMAA and 6 feature articles due for Den. 

No rest.

Or maybe that was the rest. And I squandered it looking for more work.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
YMAA has made me an offer for a full-time position. 

It is a fraction of what I used to make, but it is part of a three-step plan. Assuming I accept, the next step is in 6 months when insurance & IRA kicks in, along with a jump in pay that brings me closer to what I was making. And next year, assuming all goes well, there's a big carrot on the end of the stick which would put me above my previous pay rate. There are also potential bonuses if specified sales goals are met, along with a company computer and other promised perks. 

But those are just promises. An agreement is being drawn up. 

They see no conflict of interest with my side hustles, and say they will even allow for 'moonlighting' in our agreement. 

I'm pretty sure I'll accept.

Fingers crossed.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Fingers crossed, my friend.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Good luck!
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

I've just completed a ridiculous amount of paperwork for a full-time YMAA position. 

I should be starting as of March 1st. 

It's a nice birthday present.

And after nearly a year, I can put this fucking thread to bed. 

I'll still be hustling my moonlighting jobs. My contract allows for that.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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