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DM's quest for work
Now you are a helper.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

I'm at 4 jobs again. 

I'm still getting a retainer fee for KungFuMagazine for social media and content providing. The social media is maybe an average of an hour a day. Content providing, well, that's writing and securing articles without a budget, so that takes as long as it takes. They pay me every two weeks.

I'm also still pitching pieces to Den of Geek. They just accepted another pitch of mine. They have 3 accepted in their queue. They pay me on a monthly basis and it always takes some sorting out. 

I'm still with Immortal. We've pretty much finished the first issue. I'm hoping they'll keep me on for the next one. They've talked about putting me on the board and offered me stock options. 

Now I'm doing some work for YMAA. I've started with acquisition reviews. I'm hoping that it'll blossom into something full time, but it's feeling a little like FBU. Or maybe I'm still stinging from how FBU went down. Fingers crossed though. I crave security and with this position, I think I can maintain the other jobs.

Between all 4 jobs, I'm working my ass off and not really making enough for our standard of living. I got back on EDD and they paid me once, but now it's all snarled up. EDD sent me a link and it was a dead link. Stacy's EDD has run out. 

I'm burning out. I'm finding the writing engaging, but it's a lot of writing - a lot - and it's making me blurry. Plus with the impending civil war after the elections, I'm starting to think I should just stockpile whiskey and nite cheese and hunker down in our bunker bungalow. Oh wait, that's what I've been doing for the last half year. 

Fuck 2020.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
4 jobs qualifies you as a Jamaican. What is YMAA?
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
(09-25-2020, 12:51 AM)Dr. Ivor Yeti Wrote: 4 jobs qualifies you as a Jamaican. 

(09-25-2020, 12:51 AM)Dr. Ivor Yeti Wrote: What is YMAA?
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Jamaican: The old show In Living Color had a recurring sketch featuring Jamaicans who worked multiple jobs. “Him only got tree jobs, mon! Him lazy!”
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.

You know, I didn't really watch In Living Color that much and these skits slipped right by me. Surprising, right? Who'd have expected the Yeti would school DM in some JA culture. 

We reallly are in the mirror universe. Your agonizer, please. 

On a brighter note, I just got the top slot on Den of Geek for my Warrior teaser. That's the equivalent of their cover story but it onlly lasts for a day (so see it now and it doesn't come with any more money. They pay about $50-100 depending on the piece (most are around $75). Short pieces like the Snake Eyes piece I just did are more like $20-30 - not much but it's easy work. 

Hey mon, gotta get to work.

Looks like I'm in for more Warrior coverage. Den bit at my pitches for separate interviews and still want me to do the episode reviews. Plus I've commited to another Cobra Kai piece and something special for Halloween. 

[Image: Hedley.gif]
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Immortal just offered me an additional position. I've been serving as their action choreographer for the first issue of Adept. They've offered me co-editor for the next issue. It's still a consultant job but it'll move me from hourly to a flat fee for services rendered. I'm waiting for the details, but it looks like a raise. 

Still 4 jobs tho, all freelance or consulting gigs.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Money, baby. Making it rain.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Current JA scorecard:
KFM: On retainer
Immortal Stud: Action Choreographer & Advisory Board. Potentially moving towards Associate Editor
Den of Geek: Freelancer - weekly Episode Reviews for Warrior Season 2 (these are a lot more work than I anticipated and they don't pay much but it's a foothold into other queries).
YMAA: On retainer - potentially moving towards salaried position Jan 1.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Ja, mon!
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Current JA scorecard:

KFM: On retainer - got two interviews in the works plus a potential bonus coming if a proposed project comes to pass. They are donating a computer to me - they had several extra because of the layoffs. It sorely needs an update (running Windows 7) but it's very appreciated. 

Immortal Stud: More work, less pay. The initial investor money has run out for my budget so they've upped my position (and workload) but moved me out of hourly. It's like a quarter of the pay. Honestly, I'm amazed they paid me as much as they did for the first issue. I'm committed to the whole series now (6 issues total over several years) as well as some more, but we've discussed my time allocation issues so we'll just see how that goes. I'd be more okay with it if I had a fulltime and this was just a side hustle. 

Den of Geek: The weekly Episode Reviews for Warrior Season 2 pay less too - like half price - and they are almost as much work as a feature. They've got October pretty lined up and I don't have the bandwidth to pitch more right now. Same side hustle issue applies here. 

YMAA: On retainer - this is moving forward. They are tossing me tasks that I can sink my teeth into and I'm training up on the work management programs that they use. Fingers crossed here. 

I'm pretty scattered nowadays. It's like I have to check in with 4 jobs every day. Every single day. 
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
You would think the guy who works for DoG would give us the heads up about a Trivia night hosted by DoG with an author both the Yeti and I enjoy, Richard Kadrey. Thanks for nothing.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

You're not on the Den of Geek emailing list?

Honestly, I don't even know when my pieces will be posted (with the exception of the Warrior reviews - those are posted immediately after the episode airs). I'm just one contributor in their huge stable of freelancers. They post a half dozen articles a day.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Yes, yes, very nice, BUT WHAT ABOUT *OUR* NEEDS???!
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.

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