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Time for a well-deserved snack.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Mmmmm, snacks.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Bro! Snack unlocked!

Veggie sausage & garlic kraut on a fat slice of Companion Holy Moly! bread.

Time for more La Casa.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Snack: Achieved.

Whisky Zoom Meeting: Achieved.

National Donut Day snack: Achieved
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
oooooh, that's what i need. 

a whiskey. 

thanks for the reminder. good looking out.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
north chamber searching the web for more on that local cop killing.

snackening over - last leftover artichoke.

more snackening to come.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
No Snack, Only Lunch.

H had a need for the open road, so it was zip car and head north. H likes to drive and is good at it, so I was a passenger. Weird. Lunch was in Point Reyes, from Cowgirl Creamery, curbside delivered and eaten in the tailgate of the zipcar subaru (ZipCar Subaru is a really good band name). Best grilled cheese sandwich ever? Perhaps.

PandemiTour of North Beach on our return to the city. I haven’t been in the neighborhood since lockdown and barely there since I moved out almost a few years ago. Omega Man city achieved, except for groups of late 20/eartly 30-somethings drinking outside of a local bar.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
North Beach felt wrong to me last week. There were some people about, not that many, but not nearly as many as typical. A lot of restaurants were offering curbside and we were tempted until we got fixated on House of Nanking. When we saw it all boarded up, we bailed. Good that you got outta town tho. Nothing like a good grilled cheese, eh?

So here I am again, back in the north chamber. Snackening was a full on meal just now, pasta and sauce with extra added garlic. Now I'm just killing time until my 5:30 Zoom meeting.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
North Beach has an unsuprising number of ghosts for me, but I underestimated their strength. I’m paying for it now. Basically stayed indoors all day. Might go for a walk tonight. Should go for a walk. I am not physically prepared for the onslaught of work waiting for me next week with the club reopening. I’ll give myself today, then back to work.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
North Beach Ghosts
That’s a band name if I ever heard one

At my mom’s watching Ellen. She’s enjoying a Big Mac I just got her. I’ve been trying to explain how weird it is out there with everything shut down. She only knows what she sees on TV.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Post-snackening. Put the kettle on for more tea. In the front room, planning to call Tara soon.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
i woke at 4:20 this morning to pee. i went to post here because i haven't posted an am 4:20 in a while but the forum was being cranky

you didn't want to hear about me pissing anyway. i'm sure you get enough of that implied in my posts lately.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Wouldn't you file that under "DOOM Streaming"?
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Lord Zoom has spoken!
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

(06-11-2020, 08:53 AM)Dr. Ivor Yeti Wrote: Wouldn't you file that under "DOOM Streaming"?

Well, that sent me way down the wrong gif search rabbit hole. I suppose I deserved that. 

[Image: giphy.gif]
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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