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I just work here.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

work it brother.  work it.

[Image: tumblr_pljb1ji4gy1wzvt9qo1_640.gif]
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
In Bloomingdales pre-screene to be greeted by Fleetwood Mac muzak. This day is turning around
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Moar Lynda Carter, pleez
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Tell me lies
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm


Quote:Santa Cruz votes to decriminalize hallucinogenic mushrooms

Marina Pitofsky
01/29/20 05:12 PM EST

The Santa Cruz City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to pass a resolution decriminalizing psychedelic mushrooms in the city.

The resolution states that “the investigation and arrest of individuals involved with the adult possession, use, or cultivation of psychoactive plants and fungi listed on the Federal Schedule 1 list for personal adult use and clinical research [should be] among the lowest priorities for the city of Santa Cruz."

Denver became the first city to decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms in 2019, and Oakland, Calif., has also decriminalized the substance, a local CBS affiliate reported. 

City Councilman Chris Krohn said in a statement that the “initiative is part of a diversity of strategies taking care of mental health in our community.”

"This resolution ensures that only people 21 and over have access to these plants and the Council has given direction to our Police Department to make it a low priority infraction,” the councilman told ABC News.

"Entheogenic plants offer many in our community a way out of the addictive pharmaceuticals known as opioids," he continued. "People came forward at last night’s meeting telling of the beneficial effects of how these plants changed their lives."

Several supporters of the measure brought signs to the Tuesday vote, reading “dare to decriminalize,” “emancipate your mind” and other messages supporting decriminalization.

Drew Glover, another city councilman, told the outlet that people around the world have “respected entheogenic plants and fungi for providing healing, knowledge, creativity and spiritual connection with nature." 

"With the passing of this resolution Santa Cruz has taken an important step in acknowledging the impact that the war on drugs has had on communities while at the same time giving people the liberty to choose how to address their medical needs, providing a potent tool to address issues like PTSD, addiction, and depression," Glover said.

Does this new legislation provide moar Lynda Carter gif’s? Does it?
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
(01-30-2020, 12:23 AM)Dr. Ivor Yeti Wrote: moar Lynda Carter gif’s

[Image: tumblr_pfeqbdyhM51wzypxlo1_500.gif]
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
at the office for a change.  had to go in late today because i had to get some blood drawn and pee in a cup.  stacy did too and because we only have one car and kaiser is in scott's valley, that's how we spent valentines, bleeding and excreting.  yay.  

she gave me a gd cd - the legendary dekalb show.  i gave her socks that she wanted and a local trail map.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Telehump day in svale

mom is watching ellen

the forum clock is off, which spoils all of my 4:20 posts at 4:20.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
it's been a weird exhausting week, so i'm bummed that i popped awake an hour or so ago because i feel down on sleep.  but my new surface pro has a lit keyboard so it's easy to post at night.  it's a good new axe, much more powerful then my stupik chromebook, except that it doesn't feel as solid state.  but i'll keep the chromebook because it has it's usefulness.  still learning the surface.

for the record, this has blossomed into a hysterically random thread.  mostly it's about insomnia, but it's a highly entertaining review. i am proud.

i need to sleep.  happy friday.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I'm at the Branciforte library branch which is a short walk from our bungalow.  Been living here for 7 years and this is the first time I've been inside.  It's hours don't mesh with mine very often.  But it's quaint, small and clean, and has strong wifi.  If my new schedule works out, I'll probably be spending more Wednesday afternoons here.  

The Cruz library system rocks. I signed up a few weeks ago to pillage their DVD section and got access to a ton of free passes.  We used some for my birthday visit to the Asian Art.  I plan to take advantage of the rest of them once this covidpestilence subsides.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Best part about the library's DVD system is that you can make requests. If you're fast, you can be near the top of the queue when they add new titles:

They tell you when your title is ready for pickup. It's like a slow-mo Redbox for free.

Come on...Zappa's "Baby Snakes" is on the recently added list!

I should be more premeditative about my library dvds.  But I'm not. 

Well, since Stacy got laid off yesterday, I've become the bungalow bread winner, so she said I should take a pajama day and collect my eneriges to face the covid-drenched world again on Monday. 

I was going to order my mom a new TV off Amazon, but she called to say that one of her caretakers had a spare that she just sold her for $20 and they are hooking it up now.  My mom can still surprise me with her fortitude.  

Now Stacy is practicing piano and I'm thinking about drawing a bath for myself.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I can play. I can play.

Sunday is my day to sleep in. No alarms whatsoever. Sleep as long as I like. Usually, I'm twenty minutes into the dog walk by the time 4:20 rolls around. But on Sunday I sleep.

Maeve started whining vociferously at 4:19. I got up and started my day.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm


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