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Rest in power Brother Dan
We’ll regroup later. Hopefully much later.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
No need to regroup anytime soon.  Dan's Force Ghost is still pranking big time.

Dina (a.k.a. DM's evil twin - we shared birthdays) noticed this yesterday:
[Image: 74237784_2527717667343704_43878158474653...e=5E5034A8]
NOTE that it was Dina who footed the bill for Anchor and the food for Dan's celebration of life.  Dina, Syl and I were on Phish Tour together for Rock Med. 

And this morning, Stacy noticed this:
[Image: 75250986_10215195992714998_4622787843167...e=5E58D714]

I'm now tracking these on facebook here:

Sylvia is coming to our place tonight.  Stacy set her up with a restorative tub and massage at WW, then we'll have a nice dinner somewhere.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
And he got me again last night. Dan... man, lighten up, bro. I’ll post it on Facebook later today.

In Buddhism, we have the 49 days after death where this sort of stuff is prevalent. 7x7 days. So two more weeks of Force ghost shenanigans... at least.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
During my eulogy for Dan last Saturday, I said "We met as teenagers working at a 3rd-run movie theater called Meridian Quad 6 when horror films were trending. I remember when Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead came out – we both took all our breaks together watching that film over and over again." Last night, Sylvia came over. Stacy set her up with a tub, sauna & massage at the well, and then we all went out to dinner at Chocolate with Rich.  On the way to dinner...this.
[Image: 74936940_10215204425645816_8144978316596...e=5E4B7EF7]

I should note that rainbow next to the album that I posted from Dina above - that was under their sofa.  The following is from a confidential email she sent me, which I'll share with DOOM because...well, DOOM:
Quote:To add on, I didn’t want to share this with Sylvia but last night after Sylvia left, my dog was a freak. Never seen her like it before. She looked “not like herself” and as I approached to pet her in the usual fashion, she lowered her ears and growled at me. For the rest of the evening, she ran away from her own shadow all night and (I kid you not), barked like there was someone in the house with us. It was just me, Lucy band the cat. She was just totally off and then ran to me for protection and leaned her whole body on me but I -saw- nothing. I left two windows open, figured I had somehow trapped Dan’s energy in the house (he was at my house for over 24 hours in his new ashen form). Big guy, needs at least 2 windows to get out. Dog was all fine today.

And here's one from Marc, the other person who spoke at Dan's celebration:
Quote:actually something odd happened on my way to meet with Sylvia Saturday. My watch was set correctly when I left but it was a full 20 minutes behind when Dina said it was almost a quarter to 5 and I looked down at my watch and it read 4:20

And just now, from Sylvia:
Quote:So after leaving Gene and Stacy’s this am I found this new contact in my phone list complete with photo. The name is entered backwards so his first name comes up first. So I called his number told him how much we all miss him and that I think Gene needs some more Pranking?
The contact was Marx Daniel.

Dan is the DOOM Night Drop KING. I never imagined that our game would go beyond the grave.  I'll be curious to see if he comes after the rest of DOOM.  Keep your eyes and mind open, brothers.

me = Icon_pray 
dan = 098
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
We'll see. I don't think he'll know how to find the new place. If he followed me from the memorial chances are he might have gotten lost at Lynch Castle in Saratoga.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Lynch castle to put him off the scent.

Well played, Greg.  That might work.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

It was in a totally random place - under my bed at my mom’s home. No idea how it got there. I only found it by accident, sliding my bed to access the electrical plug. I’ve been accessing that plug for weeks. Why now? More Dan postmortem hijinks? Probably. I’ll take it.

Shadow boxing the apocalypse
[Image: 75567361_10215212636171074_6487282577139...e=5E4F863E]
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

(10-27-2019, 04:08 PM)Drunk Monk Wrote:    After that, I need to get a new laminator.

Okay, whoever sent me the new laminator - thanks & praises! It will serve me well.

Looks like I may need to do another run of memorial lammies soon.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I'm pretty sure Syl sent me the laminator.  Only you all and a small circle of Dan's know about my broken laminator and you guys wouldn't send me something useful like that.  All I get from you is stray shuriken (ha! missed again!) and some cool collector photo albums.  And Syl made a little slip in denying doing anything.

Meanwhile, my evil twin, who footed the bulk of the bill for Anchor, says she saw a laminator for sale on Next Door. She was going to alert me but it got lost in the shuffle.  Now she feels a bit guilty that Dan's Force Ghost (aka Syl) beat her to the punch.  

It's a nice new laminator, a tad smaller than my last one but should still be able to handle 3-ups.  Can't wait to try it out.

Oh, nix that.  My next lam will probably be Steve's memorial lam.  I can wait.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
A large Halloween skull appeared in my room, one of those paper cutout ones that you hang in your window on Halloween. It's about a foot tall, a grinning cartoonish skull.  It was on the floor, in the corner where I usually dump my briefcase.

I'm sure Stacy put it there.  She probably found it around the neighborhood or something.  I texted her a pic and she replied with an innocent '?'  

24 years of marriage now and you'd think I'd've learned but she can still prank me better than anyone.  It was even worse when she and Tara used to gang up on me. Once they buttered the door handle so when I came home from some show, I couldn't get a good grip purchase to open the damn door.

[Image: 78136893_10215398578979528_7602487852206...e=5E81EB2B]
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Syl sent me the Dan pendant. It’s a silver abstract globe, tasteful, with a tiny bit that could be engraved. I’ll wear it for a while, see how it feels.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
The Bardo has ended.  It's actually the first time I've observed a Bardo with anyone.  I didn't look up all the rituals, just burned incense on the 7 7s.  I'm not doing that with Steve tho, but I've made note of when his Bardo ends too.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Talked to Syl today.  The holidays were really rough for her.  She had me explain the Bardo, which I did to the best of my ability (it's actually more of a Tibetan Buddhist thing and I'm a zennist so not really within my doctrine).  It was a tough chat.  Must be so hard - she had an hour commute and an empty love nest they built together, empty but for their two loyal dogs.  I wish I could do more for her.

(11-26-2019, 05:26 AM)Drunk Monk Wrote:  a silver abstract globe, tasteful, with a tiny bit that could be engraved. 
Actually it is engraved with 'Legbone' in a very faint script. There's also a heart and a tree in the design.  My poor vision didn't see that at first.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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