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I had some productive chores planned for today, but I went out drinking last night with an old accomplice and am horridly hungover now, so I took a nap, made myself some nachos and am watching a Star Wars doc.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Popped awake an hour ago. Bummer of a way to start the work week.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
My mind was racing all night. The night felt like it wouldn't end. Then Maeve got up on the bed and stuck her ass in my face to put a capper on the evening. That girl needs a hygienic grooming.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

you win, greg.  i concede this monday.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Funny, it doesn't feel like winning.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Morning ass always wins with DOOM


Even dog ass

Congrats bro! You killin it.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Tomorrow is our print submission deadline.  My remote access crashed today but I have plenty of writing work to keep me busy. Got one article done.  Starting to chip on another - my Dolemite review.  Mom has got Ellen blaring. 

I've got a bit of a caffeine headache.  Had some jaw-clenchingly strong coffee this morning.  Maybe I need to indulge in an authentic 4:20 to take that edge off and get a last chunk of writing out for the day.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
And bam! Popped awake just now after struggling to get to sleep a few hours ago. I don’t know what the hell was in thatcappucino this morning but it kept me wide awake until long past midnight and I was only able to get one sleep cycle in before waking again. 4:20 is a curse.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
No. No. I love getting up at 2:40 (Bizzarro world 4:20) and staring at the ceiling and thinking thoughts and trying to get comfortable all the while fighting with the dog for bed share. It's a great start to the day!
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

(10-11-2019, 08:11 AM)Greg Wrote: 2:40 (Bizzarro world 4:20)

hey bro

start you're own 2:40 thread.  

Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Just got back from an unsuccessful quest to find new shoes, a paltry attempt to outrun the wake of the reaper.  Couldn't find anything I liked for under $100 so the quest continues.  And was inundated by a maelstrom of texts as our circle heard the news of Dan's passing. At least I could drown my sorrows in some fish tacos. 

I'm done for the day, for the weekend, for a while. Gonna take a bath, pour some whiskey, and zone out to some vids or a book.  Fuck this day.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Just finished a drug talk at SJSU.

It was diverting.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Did you tell your listeners how much actual experimenting you did while on campus? In the name of Science, of course.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.

I did give out some advice on how to deal with an overdose. I regret not giving out more about how to deal with iprs. Maybe next time. It was short notice and I wasn’t sure how it was going to go. Plus Legbone thoughts, ya know?

Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I know it's not 4:20 when I usually post here (kind of the point, right?) but I'm following up on the SJSU talk.  So I was supposed to have lunch with two old Kung Fu friends - one was one of our freelancers who relocated from SF to Geneva, the other one was his KF brother who relocated from SF to LA recently.  But they had to cancel at the last minute which is just as well because I wasn't feeling particularly social in lieu of Dan's passing.  

I met the Psych lecturer at SJSU because he recently wrote a Kung Fu book. The KF system he propounds is total BS. His master was a cult qi vampire, not anyone I had heard of, but he mentions that his master had problems with sex and his students - nuf said.  Awkward.  As it turns out, he got his PhD at UCSC, soon after I dropped out, under the same advising professor that I had. And now, he's a lecturer at my alma mater.  Oh, and he lives in the Cruz. Too weirdly parallel. We met for lunch and he was a good conversationalist in that academic way, and when he discovered my work in psych, he invited me to speak on the day of his drugs lecture in his brains and consciousness course.  I was like 'sure'.  But we got our signs crossed about the date and it turned out the same day I had scheduled that lunch.  But then the lunch was cancelled.  So I figured I'd go for it, cut out of work early (I was pretty useless anyway in Dan's wake plus our deadline was last week so it's a down time), stop by on the way home.  I sat in on his lecture. It was terrible.  He's a horrid speaker - can't even make the topic of drugs entertaining - and he clearly is not 'experienced' as Jimi would say. I did my talk, about 20 mins worth, not particular on for me speaking wise, but I dropped some wisdom at least.

When it was over, a gal comes up to me and asks "Aren't you Tara's dad?"  She had been at one of my talks at Tara's high school.  I'm a publisher of a newsstand magazine, written well over a thousand articles, starred in a TV show, but I'm recognized as Tara's dad.  I couldn't be more proud of that.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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