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Rest in power Brother Dan
I just heard from Sylvia. Dan died in his sleep. She’s been in San Jose for her mom’s birthday for the past few days and had a neighbor check him when she hadn’t heard from him. She was just about to board a plane to get back to AK when we spoke. She doesn’t have the details yet but will fill me in more later. 

They were planning to come down in a few weeks. We were looking forward to reuniting. 

I’m reeling. Gonna just focus on forward momentum for now.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
That's not possible. I reject this.

If there is anything I can do, let me know.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Couldn't even tell LCF.  Just told her to come look at my screen...
I'm nobody's pony.
He was the youngest DOOMer, but arguably the most damaged.

Syl was literally stepping onto the plane when we talked.  She's in airplane mode now. When I hear more, I'll pass word.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Sylvia was able to text during the flight. Below is one of her longer explanations so far.

Quote:I am allowed messaging with airplane mode.

I would very much appreciate help sending out messages to the California Family. I talked to Raz briefly, left message for Dina and think I need to reach out to Marc personally. I will do that when I get home.   By this evening should be ok.

We are still not sure what happened but he apparently never work up. Was being watched over by Mugsy and Marley and apparently they would not leave his side. I was in SJ for 2 days for my mothers 90 bd party.

He had been off for over 4 months and just had his first shift back on Thursday

My family is all coming up. We have a very close knit group of friends that have already been amazing

I will try to work up email in next few days.

Meanwhile my heart breaks, I feel I may never know true happiness again. I miss him so fucking much already.

I know your heart must be breaking to. You were always so close.

Marley and Mugsy are their dogs. Part of Jingles' pact actually.  I think the break Dan was on was due to his recent back surgery.  I'm not clear on that point.

Sylvia comes from a large supportive family, quite in contrast to Dan's. She says they are all converging in AK to help her through this.  I might go to although not right away (I have commitments in FL next weekend, as I mentioned before this heart wrenching turn of events).  We shall see.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I was doing okay until I just got on shitonmyfacebook and saw Amber's posts.  Dan's daughter.  She just had a kid (yeah, Dan was the first DOOM granddad).  I haven't seen Amber since Dan & Syl's wedding.  

At the same time, Tara FBmessaged me with a cute cat vid and a blademaking vid.  

I can't even.  I must get offline now.

There’s a fireworks show going off in Monterey. It’s foggy so they can’t be seen from our bungalow but the full hunter moon is beaming through. Dan going out with a bang.

I got so many private memories of Dan. They come flooding back, passing through my mind like cherished episodes. I was remembering when I first brought him before DOOM.  I knew he would get it.  And he needed our brotherhood to give him some family he never had.  It was my 21st birthday and we went up to SF Chinatown. Dan had that bottle of blood he stole from Laboratory Services (where he later got me a job).  We wound up at some bar on Pier 31, and Dan being younger, was underage, but being so damn tall, he just slide in.  I know he cherished DOOM, even if he stopped posting here.  It gave him such pride to stand among us.  He loved the camaraderie.  

Our first DOOM brother to fall.  
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Syl is back at home in AK. She says the trooper that responded was one of their neighbors. They checked the garbage for booze bottles and counted his remaining meds (he had back surgery about 4 months ago and was still in considerable pain).  After discussing it with the state medical examiner, they are calling it mostly likely as a heart issue.

I'm relieved that it wasn't suicide or misadventure. I've lost too many to those recently.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
And the condolences start rolling in.

Every once in a while, one will catch me hard.

I’m between anger and depression.

I have a big distraction set up in a few hours. My Monday flipped sideways. My lunch appt cancelled, which is just as well. The replacement distraction should be a fix of pain relief, or at least it’ll get my mind off it.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Long day.  So many texts from so many people.

If any of you (Greg) have pix of Dan, Sylvia is collecting them for a memorial. There will likely be a funeral in AK, and we may do something in SF on the first week of November, when they had planned to come down. Syl was coming down for some CEUs (Dan was going to visit his kids and us). Syl is sticking to that plan.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Give her my email. I have plenty.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

I'll hook you two up tomorrow maybe.  She's already overwhelmed.  "He had become my whole reason for living and now I have to find another one." 

I have a few pics - many of them are actually yours Greg.  I'm missing several that I know that I have.  Maybe they are in that DOOM album you made for us.  I'm sure I have a few more.  I have a great one of us at the Cow Palace at an Exotic Erotic where I'm dressed as a monk and kicking him in the groin.  He's got these googly eyes behind his glasses.  I know you didn't take that one, but I know not where it is.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
No rush. I'll grab the pics I have and put them into an album on Facebook.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Thanks Greg.

Unfortunately Sylvia is locked out of facebook.  She's a bit of a luddite, and Dan controlled their SylDan Marx account.  She said she was going to put together some sort of announcement for facebook and have me post that to their page.  I'll touch base with her later today most likely to see where she's at with that.

She mentioned having me and Raz start to put together some sort of memorial here when she comes to town.  Raz and I swapped a text but haven't discussed that yet.  He was too broken to say much more and he's not a texter.  But I'll follow up.  

I'm having a tough time staying hydrated.  Losing too much water through my eyes.  It's good for my complexion however.  

I'm feeling a lot of anger now.  Must control that.  That's bad for me.  Actually, what am I saying?  It's all bad for me.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I can also put up an album on Flickr for her to see.

Cut down on the onion cutting to avoid the water leaking from the eyes.

I was on a hike once and very dehydrated and out of water. A good friend helped me out.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm


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