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RIP Nurse Ginny
Ginny was a Rock Med friend who passed away shockingly for most of us a few weeks ago. I attended her memorial last Sunday. She died of cancer. She was a smoker for 20+ years before we ever met and was diagnosed about a year and a half ago, but hid it. I can't remember the last time I saw her - RM is like that sometimes. I found out about her passing on Facebook.

I remember chatting with her at Super Bowl 50. She was planning to visit Figueres, being a Dali fan like myself, and I gave her some travel tips. She said it was on her bucket list but I didn't realize her urgency. Sometimes you just don't know. She had spent her final months traveling until the cancer stopped her, and she made it to Figueres.

My mom saved her obit, and her family chose to run a pic of her raising a pint of Guinness. I met her family at the memorial for the first time. You don't always get to know RM vols that well. I'm not even sure how long she was with RM. Souls drift in and out and sometimes they are memorable. She certainly was a kindred spirit and I'm a little taken aback at how much I now miss her. We had so much more to share. Alas. There's just not enough time anymore. Yesterday was squandered naively. Today is too busy to take the time. Tomorrow grows shorter each day.

My 2nd memorial in 2017 and only a week into February.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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RIP Nurse Ginny - by Drunk Monk - 02-09-2017, 11:44 PM

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