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I am go for launch.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Still playin with my new iPhone 

This thing is amazeballs

Warming up Xmas leftovers. Gonna tuck into some vids

Didn’t do crap today. Not even laundry. Just set up my phone.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I was dreaming about work. I hate that. Total waste of Dreamtime.

I woke a few times annoyed, went back to sleep, only to fall into the same work dream. This last time I took a sip of water only to notice the time, so I figured I’d post here just to bitch about it. 

I think it’s getting to me…
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
SotSDP: emphasis on the sea part. It’s super muddy. But Yuki is having a blast mud wrasslin
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
NorCham having a sad. I just ate the last of my Lynch Xmas biscotti. On Saturday, I finished the last of of my Puerto Rican Xmas Turron. I'd never had that before. It was quite good, sort of like a almond honey brittle. I've still got a few pieces of xmas chocolate, a final cup of dairy-free eggnog, and some maple syrup, but so much for the xmas diabetic violations. 

I bailed on taking Yuki out because it's wet and cold. Stacy said I was a wimp and took him. I'm a total wimp when it's wet and cold. It's a fair cop but society is to blame.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
We'll be booking them, too
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Just had a crazy D00M dream about all of us visiting the Lynches. But it wasn’t the lair. It was some crazy 70s style pad with wallpaper that looked like cheesy chocolate wrapping paper. If I can remember the details, I’ll relate them later. I do remember feeling guilty that I had not brought chocolate.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
SofSDP gorgeous day. The pack is in fine form.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
SofSDP: FreDP has reopened but the lack is staying here, even though this technically is not a dog park. Dogs are supposed to be leashed but no one bothers. FreDP is a true off leash dp with water and two enclosures - one for big dogs and the other for small (small is >25 lbs and Yuki just a little bigger).

Overcast today. A bit chilly.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
SotSDP: one of the regulars went down to the harbor. She said it was packed. Lots of looky loos. Aldo’s was abandoned, set tables with condiments and setting a laid out on tables in water. Chardonnay (boat tours) was squeegeeing out water from their office.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
SotSP: a chill Sunday with fellow dog owning tsunami survivors
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Why am I up now? Going back to sleep…
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I am up because it is time to walk dogs who want to chase the wild pigs on the road..
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Standing outside I  Heart bento on Sunnyvale Saratoga waiting for my take out

No solid food for mom until tomorrow. She’s in pain from the dental work. I told her to take some of the leftover rx from when she broke her back but she refuses - would rather suffer through she says
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
StaroftheSea - another lovely day with the pack. Our happy place.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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