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Outside my mom’s dentist. What a crazy day. Had a lot of medical insurance issues. Due to a clerical error, we were booted off cobra so Jr Claw is bending over backwards to rectify. Meanwhile my YMAA period is almost over so that’s insurgence is activating. Meanwhile I’ve been writing like a dog. I just want to go home but my mom’s appt will put me in the commute.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
(06-30-2021, 04:28 PM)Drunk Monk Wrote: so that’s insurgence is activating.

medical insurgence…can’t come to soon!

I should clarify my post above.

While I was posting, my mom’s dentist was dentistplaining (like mansplaining but for people who are used to talking to people with a mouth full of dental instruments) about euro sword. Apparently her son is involved with ‘historical’ fencing (not hema - she says that’s like sword mma, as if that’s a bad thing).

My probationary period with YMAA will be done in the fall. That’ll mean full benefits and a salary increase.

Long live the insurgence! 

And wth is up with fencing dentists?
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
FreDP: hanging with the regulars. There’s a hooper chick who is new on the other side of the park. Entertaining. Gotta go soon tho - Kung Fu tonight and I got a new saber to show off.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
New sword?!?!
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
I thought it was a euphemism. 

Viagra: The New Sword!
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

FreDP: just Yuki & 3 unneutered Rotts. The Rotts aren’t well liked here. One just pissed on 3 of the chairs. Yuki seems up to wrestle one but it didn’t engage him much.

The new sword is the light saber that Tara gave me. I finally figured out how to make it light up. Had to take the safety off. Duh. 

It was well received at Kung Fu. I’ve brought all my LK Chen swords in to try out and show off and the others were all like ‘cool’. But the light saber, they were all like ‘KEWL!!!’ Everyone wanted to play with it. 

It is cool tho - katana hilt with a pixel blade. 10 color settings. Allegedly tough enough to spar with Shinzo and nylon wasters. I’m thinking I need to write an article about it, just for laughs.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Just popped awake after a TCEC stress anxiety dream. A minute later Yuki burst into barking at something. I’m trying to keep him in the back of the bungalow tonight because he’s been barking at the front. Something went by - possum, raccoon, something - because Notchy, the neighbors dog started barking too. Hope it wasn’t a perp.

Now I’m up tho, trying to wind down. Srsly? A TCEC dream? Dreamt we were running the BSL championship and it got all screwed up due to G2 not understanding the rules, then I figured out there were more trophies but they were locked in a golf cart and G2 couldn’t remember the combo, then some dude tried to explain BSL to me and I lost it and slammed his head into the bleachers. Dumb dream really.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
FreDP: Yukz is playing with his buddies Kona & Ozzie. There’s 4 planes practicing for an air show tomorrow. Very pleasant and entertaining.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
FreDP: on Monday, one of the Tai Chi instructors at the academy was here with her new lab. She had her back to some dogs that went to meet her dog and got knocked over, breaking her wrist and ankle and KOing her from the shock. Poor woman. 

It’s chill here today, like usual. Yukz seemed delighted to return to our daily routine and found a pit puppy named Paxton to wrassle with for a spell. We’ll prolly head home soon. Still doing laundry and there’s an epsom salt bath waiting for me.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
FreDP: lotsa dogs today. Kona, Summer the mini husky, nacho the pit, and more. Yuki is having a good workout.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
UniTerrDP: Yuki found a new sparring partner, a black labradoodle named Cozy. But they just left and now we’re alone.

It’s chill here. Smells faintly of smoke. Prolly a bbq. Makes me worried for Lynch lair and wonder if my post on the John Wick thread will be tasteless yet funny or very, very sad.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
If it's DM, it must be tasteless.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

(07-12-2021, 04:30 PM)Greg Wrote: If it's DM, it must be tasteless.

Another t-shirt...


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