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Kung Fu reboot on the CW
No Kung Fu for a week!
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=12646497]
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
On this week's exciting episode of Kung Fu!

Quote:Althea prepares her bachelorette party in the synopsis for “Destiny” airing June 2.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

We knew that because the show is so predictable.

Althea is a weird character. She's like an echo of Crazy Rich Asians, about to marry into major money and acts like a princess, always with designer shopping bags and haute couture outfits. She's Nicki's sister so remember that her folks run a Chinatown dumpling restaurant and can't even afford a new fridge. Althea is also a super hacker and can hack into the security system of a tech giant (think Elon or someone) just using her phone. And she's a victim of sexual harassment from a major political figure - it's her shame and she's keeping it secret because she's afraid it'll ruin her wedding. 

Like I said, very CW.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
You must hate your life.

Quote:Althea’s birthday party devolves into a brawl in the trailer for next week’s episode of [i]Kung Fu[/i].
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

I’m looking forward to tonight’s Ep he has Ludi Lin appears. He’s a genuine martial artist, which is novel for the show. How weird is that?
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
E6 wasn't horrible. It was still bad but to it’s credit, there was a stronger attempt to depict some real Kung Fu, Hung Ga no less, in the ‘American Shaolin’ school. There was a lot of back story, and also to its credit, about half was in mandarin with subtitles. A lot of character building, not as much CW soap opera. The ep conflict about dark web live fights was dumb. Ludi only appeared at the end, but it’s set up for next week. It kinda bugs me that Nicki is repeatedly labeled as ‘she trained the the shaolins’ as if Shaolin was a noun that could be pluralized so. That just sounds awkward. Plus in Chinese, there are no articles like ‘a’ or ‘the’ - a telling mistake for a show with so much Mandarin.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I too trained the Shaolins!
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

I am annoyed that I cannot figure out who was the Hung Ga villain in the last episode. I checked IMDb but their episode credits are lacking. 

I hate the way streaming shows automatically shrink the end credits to push the next ep or show. And I'm not going back for those credits. 

Another really annoying thing about the CW web broadcasts is that the ads don't work. I don't mind the ads. Gives me a chance to grab another snack or pee or whatev. A lot of the CW ads crash. It freezes up the screen and I have to refresh to keep watching. You'd think they'd be on top of that - it's the money shot, right? 

Clearly they need more training with the Shaolins.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
E7 is back to really bad. The bachelorette party was painfully dumb. Tzi Ma’s loving dad role is way overplayed and I’m now hating that he’s in it. It betrays his acting skill - reduces him to lame cliches. No Ludi. More crappy shaolins. No advancement of the major story arc ... just a filler ep to drag out this misery even more.  

Fortunately I had some Old Potrero and a bad of Wong Fei Hung spicy peanuts that a friend sent as a care package. That redeemed the hour.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Well this should make it all better!

I09 Wrote:Nicky and Henry attend a K-Pop concert in Las Vegas in the synopsis for “Attachment” — the July 7 episode of Kung Fu.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

E8: The odd thing about this show is that it's a quest - a quest to find the 8 magic weapons (hackneyed hollyoriental plot - same as the Saturday morning cartoons for Jackie Chan Adventures and The Karate Kid) - and they advance in securing the next step on the slimmest of clues. 

Only one fight scene and it was lame. 

Ludi appears as the spoiled rich kid who seldom wear a shirt (if I had pecs like that, I'd never wear a shirt either). 

The end scene montage to a sappy soundtrack is really annoying me. 

There was an ad for CW's Rush Hour. Maybe I should watch that too for more to bitch about.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
This must punch so many buttons for you!

I09 Wrote:A K-pop star may be a guardian in the trailer for “Attachment” — next week’s episode of [i]Kung Fu[/i].
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Tonight's ep is the one my friend wrote. 

Shadow boxing the apocalypse
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm


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