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Kung Fu reboot on the CW
Why yes. I volunteer to jump on this grenade for DOOM. I'm heroic that way.

(03-08-2021, 11:51 AM)Drunk Monk Wrote: Kung Fu reboot on CW

EW has the exclusive trailer. Follow this link:

Spoiler alert - I winced... a lot.

(03-08-2021, 05:03 PM)King Bob Wrote: Totally different show sharing only the name

(03-08-2021, 05:08 PM)Greg Wrote: Okay. When I read the post I thought how could Kung Fu be a CW show. It doesn't seem to be their demographic or type of show.

After seeing the trailer, I can see it is completely a CW type of show.

(03-08-2021, 05:36 PM)Drunk Monk Wrote: Made ya wince!

Didn't I?

I'm still wincing...from the pain.

Ironically, I know one of the screenwriters. We met in the Badlands. 

I wonder if Den will tap me for this. There was talk about having me cover the CW Walker reboot, but I don't really know that franchise and after everyone thought Chuck was at the Jan 6 insurrection (he wasn't but he is a major rightwingnut), my editor who is a NYC leftist bailed on the idea. 

Regardless, I'm obligated to watch this.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

When what?


Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Have I told you lately how fond I am of you? No? Good.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm


Some context: Whenever you are paid a compliment in Mandarin, it is customary to respond ‘nali?’ which literally means ‘where?’ It’s a gesture of humility demanded by the language. So my response is really funny for DOOMers who speak mandarin...

Yeah I know. Crickets...

The trailer is getting shredded in my social media circles.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Emilio seemed very pleased by it.

But if you are going by the proficiency of the martial artists, shouldn't Cobra Kai get shredded for the same reasons?
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Cobra Kai redeemed itself martially-speaking in the S2 & S3 finale with the long oner shots. You know, there's this expert who wrote all about that for Den of Geek.

The original Carradine Kung Fu had crappy martial arts, except for the last season when they had a better fight consultant. 

It's not the martial arts that people are complaining about as much as the CW-ification of the franchise.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
April 7th

Yeah, well. Oldy oldsters. Maybe we could see if the show is good or not before we vilify it for not being the sacred cow from our youth?

What is this Den of Geek thing you speak of?
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

(03-09-2021, 11:10 AM)Greg Wrote: Maybe we could see if the show is good or not before we vilify it for not being the sacred cow from our youth?

If only you thought that about the DCEU. DC lives matter, ya know. 

Den of Geek just tasked me with some coverage of this. 
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Who better?

Batman is my guy. Don't forget that when you dish out your slander.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm


As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

(03-09-2021, 11:38 AM)Greg Wrote: Batman is my guy. Don't forget that when you dish out your slander.

So who is your favorite Batman? 

Adam West hands down.

Do we need a special DOOM bat channel thread for this discussion?

That's the same trailer I posted above. You just wanted to make me watch it again, didn't you? So mean.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Yes. I thought you only posted a link.....

I'm kind of partial to Christian.
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

I made a thread:


[Image: Batman-slapping-Robin-Meme-Blank.jpg?q=5...=960&h=500]


But you must post using the above template
Back on topic


Oh man, so CW, so painfully CW. Maybe that'll be its saving grace. So many viewers luv that CW formula. Not me. there have been exceptions, but so far, this is not one.

This has one notable Easter egg, an opening shot of a grasshopper in a cage. It almost didn't register. After that, this has absolutely nothing to do with the original franchise so far. 

I wasn't impressed by Olivia as Nikki. I wasn't impressed by any of the actors except for the always exceptional Tzi Ma. He should have his own show where he's just the dad of a bunch of hawt girls with issues. I'd watch the hell out of that. 

This takes place in two places I know very well - Shaolin & SF Chinatown. It's the Yunnan Shaolin Temple however, but there are scenes of what looks like Guilin, which is in the next province over from Yunnan. But let's just not get into all the Shaolin flaws because I could pick this to death like a vulture on a desert road kill. I'll just bite my tongue here. The whole backstory of Shaolin is annoyingly sideways. 

SF Chinatown is okay. It looks like they did some location shots... just enough. I haven't lived there in a quarter century so I'll default to the Yeti's opinion of this part. More tongue biting. 

Don't even get me started on the Kung Fu of Kung Fu

Okay, I'll bite through my tongue if I don't. 

Bret Chan did the choreo. He did well in Warrior. He also did Iron Fist. 'nuff said, right? He didn't have a lot to work with here. Olivia has a decent high roundhouse but can't sell a punch, and her staff skills are painfully mediocre. 

There is a sword fight. In fact, it's all about a sword. But it's a dumb fantasy sword that looks like the bastard child of the Green Destiny and the Arnie Conan sword - all chromed for the camera. Ouch. 

DOOM recommended just because I want the rest of you to share in my misery. I also want Greg to like it so we can debate over it.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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