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Now we have the cabin to ourselves. Watching the snow fall.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
As a matter of fact, my anger does keep me warm

Back @ bungalow after way too much driving - Roadkill queued up. Stacy went on a Betty's run for dinner. Pulling burrs from Yuki. He's happy to be home and engaged in a loud celebratory bark fest with the neighbor dog pack.

When we got in view of the Cruz, there was a huge plume of smoke up in the mountains and we were like 'srsly?!' So triggering. Turns out they are doing some controlled burns at Wilder (Ano Nuevo too) over this week. It was alarming nevertheless.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Spending an extra day in svale so my mom isn't alone for Thanksgiving. Stacy and I don't really celebrate T-day. When you don't eat Turkey, it ain't a thing really. Besides I have too many Native American friends to celebrate a massacre (as they say). 

It's Svale so Ellen must be playing...
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
In 420ese, today is danksgiving. But this thread hasn’t been about that for some time.

Just got back from the dog park and had a pear and some afternoon cheese. Tucking into some vids.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Just got back from the dog park again. That’s my circle now - Kung Fu classmates and dog parkers.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Another 4:20. Another return from the dog park. T-day weekend had a rhythm.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Just got done with another EDD certification. That website is a fucking beast. If you make a mistake, correcting it is a new level of hell. You'd think I'd have it down by now but my income sources are all over the place. And I just discovered how I can catch up on the certification. When EDD got overloaded, I couldn't access anything. It sends me these alerts to tell me to certify. It all stopped for a few months. Then it started up again. I'm caught up into October now, but I think I know how to get through November. I just need a day when I can swear loudly at the site as I certify it all. Stacy doesn't like it and it startles Yuki. I will be so glad when I secure stable work again and can get off the unemployment train. 

Today was a bad day.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
I'm in the north chamber after reading a bit in the backyard with the hounds. Joey kept wanting to say 'hello' but Yuki kept blocking him with 'he's my hooman.' Joey is such a sweet dog, very friendly. Yuki is a pest.

I had a mellow day, pittered around with a few odd job tasks, bailed on EDD today, took Yuki to the dog park where he got his butt handed to him repeatedly by a much larger Husky pup but he kept going back for more, and then took a pleasant epsom salt bath. Now I'm ready for some dinner and to tuck into some vid, maybe finish She-Ra and get out of that Etherian rabbit hole.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

Just got back from grocery shopping. There was no one there, which was a relief, given that svale is deep in the surge. Gotta go fetch some dinner in a bit. 

I want a space suit.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
In the kitchen getting ready to head out to dinner with Daniel Wu. It just started to rain. Bummer. 

Stacy started a dvd. I did invite her to join us but she figured we’d just talk martial arts, which is true. Going to head out soon.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
Yeah, that’s a good call on Stacy’s part.
In the Tudor Period, Fencing Masters were classified in the Vagrancy Laws along with Actors, Gypsys, Vagabonds, Sturdy Rogues, and the owners of performing bears.
Well, someone needed to watch Yuki. He's still not at the point where he can be home alone for more than maybe a half hour.

Just got back from the dog park. Yuki had a good day.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
At my mom's. She seems good after her dental work, watching Ellen like usual. Her appetite is great.

I finished my police report & dmv replacement application (already got the e-reg), plus did some tasks for kfm, and my mom's chores of course. I'll make a run to pasta market next.  

Then maybe I can get some writing done.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse
@dog park. 4 Cessna pilots are doing an impromptu airshow. It’s sunny and warm for so close to winter solstice.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse

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